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Q: Why the Constitution to change by adding amendments?
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What is the purpose of adding amendments to the constitution?

It's to change or alter the constitution. So, we add amendments as our nation's culture changes.

What must be added to change the constitution?

The US Constitution is changed by adding amendments, as explained in article V of the Constitution.

What is the term for changing or adding to the Constitution?

Adding to or changing the Constitution It is called "amending" it. There are currently 27 ratified amendments to the US Constitution.

What is the process for adding amendments to the constitution?

allow the law to change to reflect changing times-apex

What do we call a change to the Constitution?

the change of the Constitution is an amendment

How has the constitution been amended to expand the amount of people who are involved in government and how has the constitution been reinterpreted to expand the rights of the people?

The Constitution has been amended by adding the Bill of Rights (amendments 1-10) and adding amendments 11-27.

What can change the constitution?

The U. S. Constitution is changed by amendments.

Why do we have amendments to your constitution?

An amendment is a formal way to change the constitution.

What is it called when their is a change to the constitution?

Specific changes to the Constitution are called amendments. There are 27 amendments; the first 10 are called the Bill of Rights.

Change to the constitution?


What do most amendments to the constitution proposed by congress do?

The amendments change the constitution, either adding new rules or changing old ones. In the US Constitution, the first 10 amendments (the Bill of Rights) essentially prevented the new federal government from usurping the basic rights that the country was founded to provide.

The Framers provided this section of the constitution for a changing nation amendments?

The amendment process was added so the constitution could change and grow.