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The Declaration of Indepence stated reasons why the colonists wanted their freedom from England, as there was a whole section called The List of Grieveances dedicated to list reasons why they were to break apart. There are 27 reasons.

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Q: Why the colonists declared independence from great Britain?
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What was the reason the colonists declared their independence from great Britain?

American colonists did not think that they were being treated fairly by Great Britain.

How did the declaration of independence reflect the colonists ideas about government?

The Declaration of Independence was the document which declared independence of the colonists from Great Britain, making their independence "official."

What was the date the American colonists declared independence from great Britain?

July 4, 1776

What are two things colonists stood to lose if they declared their independence from Great Britain?

Support and protection.

What was the main reason that colonist declared their independence from great Britain?

American colonists did not think that they were being treated fairly by Great Britain.

What would colonists lose if they declared their independence from Great Britain?

they would lose money and support and equipment and possibly their lives.

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What was did the colonists try to avoid seeking independence from great Britain?

why did colonists avoid seeking independence from britian

On July 4th who did you declare Independence from?

The United States declared Independence from Great Britain. I declared freedom from ambiguity.

What was Declaration of Independence and how did it help your country?

The Declaration of Independence is what was declared in 1776 in which the US declared its independence from Great Britain and its tyrannical king.

Why did the delcaration of independence take place?

In order to: 1. Announced our independence from Great Britain 2. Declared our independence from Great Britain 3. Say that the United States is free from Great Britain

What Enlightenment ideas influenced colonists?

The Enlightenment was a major influence on the political ideas of the colonists who pushed for independence from Great Britain