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Having a cold without a fever is not a reason to avoid giving a vaccine. Vaccines, however, do not prevent or treat colds.

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Q: Why the doctor wouldn't give a vaccine if you had cold caused by a virus?
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What is the connection between varicella and the chickenpox vaccine?

Varicella Zoster is a type of herpes virus that is commonly the cause of chickenpox. The chickenpox vaccine, often called the Varicella vaccine, is a live virus vaccine to protect against chickenpox, as it can be extremely dangerous in adults. As shingles can also result from the same virus, the vaccine protects against that as well.

Will smallpox vaccine help with cold sores?

No. You can still get cold sores if you have had the chickenpox vaccine. Chickenpox and cold sores are caused by slightly different types of viruses in the herpesvirus family. Chickenpox is caused by varicella zoster virus, and cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus.

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The hpv vaccine does not protect you from all strains of the hpv virus. Check with your doctor on what strains are covered.

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There is no known vaccination for the virus yet. Only experimental procedures have been used.

Has the hpv vaccine caused women to get cervical cancer?

There is no evidence that HPV vaccine causes cervical cancer. Because the vaccine doesn't contain live virus, it can't cause HPV disease.

Which virus is transmitted by the fecal oral route?

Hepatitis A, which is caused by the H.A.V. virus, is transmitted by contaminated food and water, and prevented by the hepatitis A vaccine.

Who created the vaccine for cowpox?

This may be about Doctor Edward Jenner.He created the first vaccine. It was to treat smallpox and was based on material from the cowpox. So, he created the vaccine from cowpox.I think the vaccine also worked against the cowpox virus.

Is measles is an infectious disease?

Virus known as the Measles Virus, both the disease and virus share the same name.

What is a antonym for vaccine?

An Antonym for vaccine would be Virus

Name a disease-causing virus for which there is a vaccination?

(1) Afluria (Pro) influenza virus vaccine, inactivated10(2) Fluarix Quadrivalent influenza virus vaccine, inactivated(3) Flublok Quadrivalent influenza virus vaccine, inactivated(4) Fluvirin (Pro) influenza virus vaccine, inactivated(5) Engerix-B hepatitis b adult vaccine(6) Flublok (Pro) influenza virus vaccine, inactivated(7)Zostavax (Pro) zoster vaccine live(8) Gardasil 9 (Pro) human papillomavirus vaccine(9) Flucelvax Quadrivalent influenza virus vaccine, inactivated(10) Shingrix (Pro) zoster vaccine, inactivated(13) FluMist (Pro) influenza virus vaccine, live, trivalent(12) Fluzone (Pro) influenza virus vaccine, inactivated

What is measles bacteria or virus?

Measles is an infection of the respiratory tract that can be caused by both a bacteria and a virus. Most people think of the virus strain typically, as there is a vaccine for it, and people rarely need to be treated with antibiotics for the bacteria strain.

What is a helpful virus?

Well a vaccine can be a helpful virus.