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There is a neutral charge on an atom when the number of protons is equal to the number of electrons. This is most common in the Noble gases, such as Neon (atomic number 10, the second Noble Gas), where there are 10 protons and 10 electrons, with the negative charge on the electrons balancing out the positive charge of the protons exactly.

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1d ago

The electrical charge in an atom is zero or neutral because the number of protons, which have a positive charge, is balanced by the number of electrons, which have a negative charge. This balance between positive and negative charges results in an overall neutral charge for the atom.

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9y ago

An atom in its normal state has a total electrical charge of zero because it has the same number of electrons as protons. Their charges cancel each other out because they both have equal but opposite charges.

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11y ago

In a neutral atom, the number of protons equals the number of electrons. The charges of the protons and electrons cancel each other, so the atom has no charge.

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What is electrical charge in a neutral atom?

Neutral atoms always have a net charge of 0(zero).

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A neutral atom will have a charge of ZERO

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The neutral atom of magnesium has no electrical charge; the ion is bivalent.

The net electrical charge of an atom is zero because it contains?

an equal number of protons and electrons, which are positively and negatively charged respectively. The positive charge of the protons cancels out the negative charge of the electrons, resulting in an overall neutral charge for the atom.

Has a zero or neutral charge and found in the nucleus of an atom?

A neutron has a zero or neutral charge and is found in the nucleus of an atom.

What are the neutral charges?

"Neutral charge" doesn't exist; the meaning of neutral is zero electrical charge.

Explain why the electrical charge on an atom is zero or neutral?

since an electron is a negatively charged particle and a proton is a positively charged particle the positive and negative charges will cancel each other so the electrical charge on atom is zero.

What atoms has the zero value?

In terms of atomic mass, the atom with a zero value is the neutron, as it has a mass close to zero. However, in terms of atomic charge, an atom with a zero value is a neutral atom, meaning it has an equal number of protons and electrons canceling out their charges.

Is the charge on a neutral chlorine atom zero?

Yes. That is what it means to be electrically neutral.

Why is a regular atom neutral?

Because in a normal atom the are there are the same numbers of electrons and protons. Charge of an electron is 1- and charge of a proton is 1+, thus the overall charge will be zero.

If the number of protons equals the number of electrons the overall charge of the atom is?

zero .. such an atom is neutral. No net charge