

Why the member of Nazi killed their leader Hitler?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Although there were many attempts to kill Hitler, none were successful. Hitler committed suicide with his wife when he knew that the Russians where going to capture and torture him and his wife to death.

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Q: Why the member of Nazi killed their leader Hitler?
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Hitler was the leader of the Nazi Party from 1921-1945.

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Hitler was a Nazi. He killed Jews.

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Hitler didn't kill the Nazis. He was the leader of the Nazi political party.

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When Hitler's mother was admitted in the hospital for a surgery,his mother died after the surgery n d doc. was a Jew.So then he started hating Jews n became a member of nazi party n was made d leader of d nazi party.

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He was the leader of the Nazi party.

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He was the leader of Nazi Germany .

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He was the leader of the Nazi party.

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Hitler was the leader of the Holocaust. He told the Nazi party what to do and when to do it. He had full and complete power over everyone and if they didn't do it they would be killed.

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Nazi LeaderAdolf Hitler in World War II

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