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pagal u tell

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Keely Brakus

Lvl 13
1y ago
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Qamar Mubeen Gohar

Lvl 2
1y ago

When we move from left to right there are completely half and partially filled orbitals present so the attraction of nucleus are not regular because half and completely filled orbitals electrons are more attracted toward the nucleus but partially filled are not that's why atomic size not decrease regularly in a period.

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Q: Why the size of atom does not decrease regularly in a period?
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Why the size of an atom does not decrease regularly in a period?

the size of atom doesn't decrease regularly due to the reason of lanthanide contraction .there is slightly increase or or almost no increase in atomic radius from 5th to 6th period in transition metal .

Why size of atom does not decrease regularly in a periode?

pagal u tell

Does atomic size decrease going left to right within a period?

It decreases.

What trend do you note for the atomic radii of period 3?

The size of atom decreasing.

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The atomic radius decrease from left to right.

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as we know that there are 7 periods and 18 groups ,as we go down a group the size of the atom decreases therefore there is a decrease in ionization energy for

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As the atomic number increases, the number of protons in the nucleus increases or the effective nuclear charge of the nucleus increases. As a result the force exerted by the nucleus on the valence electrons is more or the size of the atom is small.

Does elements on the periodic table decrease in atomic size when you move across a period from left to right and when you move down a group?

1. In a period is a trend of decrease from left to right but it is not absolute.2. In a group the atomic radius increase moving down.

Does an element on the periodic table decrease in atomic size when you move across a period from left to right and when you move down a group?

1. In a period is a trend of decrease from left to right but it is not absolute.2. In a group the atomic radius increase moving down.

When nonmetals lose electrons and become positives does the size increase or decrease?

They begin to split, almost like a nuclear atom; the more you put on to it the more it splits

The volume of an atom is determined by the size of?

By the size of the atom and its mass

Do the size of kidneys decrease with time?

The size of kidneys don't usually decrease in size over time.