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Q: Why the sugar (honey) could get through the membrane (similar in properties to a cell wall) and the starch could not.?
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Which substance did not diffused through the membrane?

starch doesnt diffuse through the dialysis membrane.

Which substances did not diffuse the membrane?

starch doesnt diffuse through the dialysis membrane.

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If a membrane was not permeable to sugars why would it probably also not be permeable to starch molecules?

If a membrane is permeable to a substance, it means that there are gaps/holes/pores in the membrane large enough for that substance to pass through. Starch molecules are bigger that sugar molecules. So if the membrane is not permeable to sugars, the gaps/holes/pores will not be big enough for starch molecules to pass through either.

Can Iodine Potassium Iodine when mixed with a starch diffuse through a semipermeable membrane?


Why is glucose allowed to pass through a semipermeable membrane and not starch?

Whether molecules are able to pass through the membrane depends on the size of the molecules. Smaller ones can, and larger ones cannot. Glucose can pass through a cell membrane because it is a monomer, which is a smaller molecule than the polymer molecules of starch.

What would if the concentration of the starch inside of the membrane was greater than the starch concentration outside the membrane?

Assuming the starch can not penetrate the membrane, but the carrier liquid can, then the liquid would flow into the membrane until the two concentrations were the same. Or the starch would migrate out of the membrane until the concentrations were the same if it can.

What would happen if the iodine molecules passed through the membrane into the starch suspension?

The starch suspension would form into a blue-black precipitate. This is due to the reaction between starch and iodine.

Can starch pass through a cell membrane by diffusion?

Within a plant cell, starch is basically stored energy. Starch is composed to cross sugar molecules that are cross linked to form larger chains of sugar molecules that are better for storage. When the need arises, these larger chains are broken down to sugar molecules and are utilized by plant cells to carry out various biological processes. Starch is a large polymeric structure and does not typically pass through cell membranes.

Can Active transport help starch molecules through a membrane?

Starch is a polysaccharide composed of branching chains of glucose molecules. There is no receptor for starch. There are however, receptors for glucose called GLUT1, GLUT2 and GLUT3