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Actually the sun doesn't rise or set, it remains stationary at the centre of the solar system. The reason why it appears as a setting sun or rising sun is because of the facts that the Earth's revolve.

The Earth orbits around the sun at the same time revolving around its own axis. At every 24hrs it completes one revolution. As the Earth is round in shape the sun light cannot cover all the surface of the earth, only covering half the surface at each given time. And due to the revolution of the Earth the cover surface changes each moment giving the appearance of the sun being set or rise.

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Q: Why the sun always rises in the east and sets in the west?
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When sun rises from east than again than next day it rises from east?

Yes, the Sun always rises in the east and sets in the west.

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it rises in the west and sets in the east.

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Eastern Europe will have dawn first.(The sun rises in the east and sets in the west)

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The verbs are "rises" and "sets".

The sun sets in the west?

The sun sets in the west and rises in the east. The Sun rises in the east because the Earth spins on its axis towards the east.

Does the sun set east or west?

rises in the east and sets in the west

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The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. This is, of course, apparent motion and not true motion.

What time does the sun set in the east?

The sun sets in the west, not in the east. It rises in the east and sets in the west due to the Earth's rotation.

Does the sun rises from the east or the south?

east and sets in the west

What side does the sun rise on?

the east it comes up in the east and sets in the west, happy now?

From which direction does the sun rise in Manchester ct?

Hence, the sun rises from the east and sets in the west.

In the northern hemisphere the sun sets in the what?

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun apparently rises in the east and sets in the west. In the Southern Hemisphere, it is the other way around. The Sun rises in the west and sets in the east. Note that the Sun does not actually move, it is Earth that makes it appear to move.