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Q: Why the tree is holding the soil in place important?
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How do tree's help stop soil erosion?

In a simple explanation, I think its because the roots act like a netting holding the soil in place.

Why is doil in a forest less likely to be eroded?

If you mean soil, then it is because the tree roots are holding the land together.

Why are trees important in preventing soil erosion?

because the roots of the tree keep the soil compact and tight together.

How do trees aid in reducing flood damage?

Tree roots hold the soil in place.

Why will planting trees help stop erosion?

Tree roots hold the soil in place, the roots take up water and send it up the tree and out the leaves (evapotranspiration), which keeps the soil from getting saturation - saturated soil can slide.

If you cut a limb from a tree can you make it grow?

yes if you first place it in water and then soil, it will grow.

How does tree planting work?

Tree is put in soil. Soil helps sustain tree's life.

Aside from absorbing water and nutrients what other functions do the roots serve?

Besides absorbing nutrients and water, roots anchor the plant in the ground. This is especially important for large trees, but is needed by all plants. In addition, roots help to hold the soil in place, which prevents erosion. This is one reason forests should not be clear-cut and slopes need to have plants on them instead of being left bare.

Tell three ways that soil is important?

1.nutrients 2.plant food for plants animals and bacteria

Does the soil erode when a tree is removed?

Yes, it does because if a tree is planted it holds the soil and prevents soil erosion.

How do you make your lemon tree bushy?

It depends on what stage of growth your tree is at. Generally a tree needs fertilizer, sun, and water. If your tree is inside (ie a small potted plant), water it when the soil is dry, and place it in full sun.

Why are tree roots important to the rain forest?

because they provide nutrients to the other plants and they keep the soil from washing away