

Why today is Tuesday?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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15y ago

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Actually, last time I checked, it's wednesday.

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Normally we would represent the days of the week using a low-level enumeration: type DayOfWeek (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday); In other words, Sunday is represented by the integer 0, Monday by 1, Tuesday by 2, etc. This provides with a compact method of representing the high-level concept of a day of the week and the symbolic names are sufficiently abstract to make them easy to work with. However, it would be useful to convert these low-level symbolic constants to their higher-level equivalents (the actual strings, 'Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', etc) which can then be presented to the user. It would also be useful to be able to perform the reverse conversion, from high-level string to low-level enumeration. We achieve this with conversion functions implemented as lookup tables using case statements: function ToDayOfWeekStr (Dow : DayOfWeek) : string; begin case Dow of Sunday: ToDayOfWeekStr := 'Sunday'; Monday: ToDayOfWeekStr := 'Monday'; Tuesday: ToDayOfWeekStr := 'Tuesday'; Wednesday: ToDayOfWeekStr := 'Wednesday'; Thursday: ToDayOfWeekStr := 'Thursday'; Friday: ToDayOfWeekStr := 'Friday'; Saturday: ToDayOfWeekStr := 'Saturday'; end end function ToDayOfWeekEnum (Dow : string) : DayOfWeek; begin case Dow of 'Sunday': ToDayOfWeekEnum := Sunday; 'Monday': ToDayOfWeekEnum := Monday; 'Tuesday': ToDayOfWeekEnum := Tuesday; 'Wednesday': ToDayOfWeekEnum := Wednesday; 'Thursday': ToDayOfWeekEnum := Thursday; 'Friday': ToDayOfWeekEnum := Friday; 'Saturday': ToDayOfWeekEnum := Saturday; else {handle input errors here}; end end

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