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Q: Why trehalose and maltose having two glucose?
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What are two compounds that are made from glucose molecules bonded in different ways?

Examples: maltose and trehalose.

When 2 glucose molecules are combined what is formed?

Maltose, Trehalose and Cellobiose are all formed solely from glucose molecules. Less common disaccharides of glucose include: Kojibiose, Nigerose, Isomaltose, β,β-Trehalose, α,β-Trehalose, Sophorose, Laminaribiose and Gentiobiose.

What by-product was produced when you linked the two glucose molecules together?

You get a Maltose molecules when linking two glucose molecules. You get sucrose when linking a glucose and a fructose molecule together.

What is structure of trehalose?

Trehalose (or mycose) is a disaccharide composed of two glucose residues. The glucose residues are linked by an α 1→4 glycosidic bond.

Maltose is composed of what two sugars?

Glucose + Glucose = 2 Glucose units Maltose is a disaccharide

What does maltase produce?

Two glucose, because maltose is two glucose join together

What makes maltose?

is a disaccharide formed from two units of glucose. Maltose can be broken down into two glucose molecules by hydrolysis.what are some properties of maltose?Maltose is a malt sugar. The molecular formula for maltose is C12H22O11.

How do you make a maltose from two glucose molecules?

Glucose and Glucose

What is the composition of maltose?

The composition of maltose is 2 glucose units. This is because glucose is the 'primary' composition in a monosaccharide and maltose is found in Disaccharide, which is the 'secondary' composition. ~Geek

Is maltose a monosacharide?

Maltose is a dissacharide formed from two molocules of glucose.

What is the compostition of maltose?

Maltose is a disaccharide composed of two glucose molecules

What is composed of two glucose molecules?
