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The salt will make the rice taste better.

It is true that the salt will make the water boil at a slightly higher temperature but the difference is very small.

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Q: Why use salt water when cooking rice?
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What do you use sodium for?

Sodium is the Scientific name for salt. People season their food with salt, use it for cooking and it's in sea water.

How do you separate salt from a mixture of salt and rice?

Simply dissolve in distilled water and filter out the salt solution. Now the residual thing is once again washed with distilled water and filtering. This process is repeated till the entire salt is removed right from rice. The advantage is that rice is insoluble in water

How can i cook a rice?

Here's a simple method for cooking rice on the stove: Ingredients: 1 cup of rice 2 cups of water Salt (optional) Instructions: Rinse the rice in a fine mesh strainer under cold water until the water runs clear. This will remove any excess starch and dirt. In a medium saucepan with a tight-fitting lid, combine the rinsed rice, water, and a pinch of salt (if using). Bring the water to a boil over high heat. Once the water is boiling, reduce the heat to low, and cover the saucepan with the lid. Simmer the rice for 18-20 minutes, or until the water has been absorbed and the rice is tender. Remove the saucepan from the heat and let it sit, covered, for 5-10 minutes to allow the rice to steam and become fluffier. Use a fork to fluff the rice and serve. Note: The cooking time and water to rice ratio may vary depending on the type of rice you're using, so be sure to follow the package instructions if they differ from these instructions.

How to keep rice from getting mushi?

If your rice is getting mushy then you are using too much water to cook with. When I make rice, I rinse my rice with hot water first and then add just enough water to cover my hand when pressed on the top of the rice while in the pot. Adding about 2 tablespoons of oil will keep it from sticking to the pot. Use a heavy pot and add a little salt. Once your rice has come to a boil, turn it down to finish cooking and stir occasionally.

Why do you use salt in cooking?

Salt is a flavor enhancer.

What is the effect of dissolving salt in water on boiling point of water?

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Can pool Salt be used in cooking?

No I wouldn't use it for cooking. Get yourself some good sea salt.

What is measuring cup use for?

Measuring cup used for measuring water,peas,corn,rice and others when cooking for short it's used for measuring ingredients when cooking

How can you use the effects of the salt in the temperature of the boiling water when you cooking?

Adding salt to water increases the boiling temperature of the water. Therefore a pot of salted water will take longer to reach its boil than the same size pot of plain water. So why do we do it? Because the higher boiling point means an increase in the temperature of the water which increases cooking temperature and thereby decreases cooking time.

Can sea salt be allowed in cooking?

Yes, sea salt is perfectly ok for use in cooking. Some will even say sea salt is better for you.

Should you take out water when you cook rice?

Usually when you cook rice it's cooked until the grains have absorbed all the water you have added. If you've added too much water then it would be ok to drain the extra water as long as the rice is tender. If you're cooking long grain white rice, use the ratio of 1 cup of rice to 2 cups water, then cook 'til all water is gone.

What is the use of rice granule inside the salt containers?

The rice keeps the salt dry and prevents it from clumping up. It keeps it dry by absorbing humidity (moisture) in the air. Caution! Be sure the holes in the salt shaker lid are not too large as to allow the rice grains to pass through. Otherwise, you will get rice mixed with the salt when you use it.