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no reason..cause formula for water is h2o

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Q: Why volume of hydrogen should be twice the volume of oxygen formed?
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What does 20 volumes hydrogen peroxide mean?

This means that for every volume of hydrogen peroxide used, 20 volumes of oxygen will be produced. For example, if 1 ml of hydrogen peroxide is used/decomposes, 20 ml of oxygen will be formed.

How many volumes in hydrogen peroxide?

The volume measure used in hydrogen peroxide refers to the volume of oxygen that it produces

In what volume ratio do hydrogen gas and oxygen gas react to form water?

Approximately twice as much volume of hydrogen as of oxygen: Both gases are diatomic and nearly ideal at normal temperature and pressure, and the atomic ratio of hydrogen to oxygen in water is 2.

Volume of gas are not equal during electrolysis of water?

As one molecule of water is composed of two atoms of Hydrogen to one atom of oxygen electrolysis of water should produce twice as much Hydrogen as it does Oxygen.

What observed when a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen is lit?

Don't try it because if you have 1 volume of oxygen to 2 volumes of hydrogen, it is explosive!

When hydrogen gas and oxygen gas react as much oxygen gas than hydrogen gas is required?

The reaction equation is: 2H2 + O2 = 2H2O So one need two volume part of hydrogen and one volume part of oxygen to form water.

Why is the volume of gas collected twice of the volume of other gas when electric current is passed through water?

When an electric current is passed through water, it undergoes electrolysis, which breaks water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen gases. The ratio of hydrogen to oxygen gas produced is 2:1, meaning that for every two volumes of hydrogen gas collected, one volume of oxygen gas is collected. Therefore, the volume of gas collected is twice as much for hydrogen compared to oxygen gas.

What volume is necessary for hydrogen and oxygen to combine in a 250 ml flask?

To determine the volume necessary for hydrogen and oxygen to combine, we need to consider the stoichiometry of the reaction. Hydrogen combines with oxygen in a 2:1 ratio to form water. Therefore, twice the volume of hydrogen is required compared to oxygen. For a 250 ml flask, the volume of hydrogen required would be 166.7 ml, and the volume of oxygen required would be 83.3 ml.

What elements are in the earths hydrosphere?

The elements that are in Earths Hydrosphere is Oxygen with 33.0% of volume, Hydrogen with 66.0% of volume, and 1.0% of unknown elements.

What evidence in the Hoffman apparatus demonstration indicates the ratio of water's components?

The volume of hydrogen is double the volume of oxygen.

Where does the oxygen come from that you are breathing right now?

oxygen can be formed by the electrolysis of water, or by chemical reactions Oxygen is present in air, about 19% by volume, but it is not formed there. Most oxygen is naturally formed in green plants and algea by photosynthesis.

If a bottle of hydrogen peroxide is labeled 10 volts what does this indicates?

Volume is the amount of oxygen that is contained in a given amount of peroxide. For example, 3% hydrogen peroxide is V10 or 10 volume, because it will release 10 times it's volume in oxygen. One pint of 3% hydrogen peroxide will release 10 pints of oxygen as it breaks down. Gee, now there is something to think about. Of course, V20 will release twice as much oxygen, 20 times its volume.