

Why was Absolutism so important in Europe?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Why was Absolutism so important in Europe?
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How did absolutism differ between Western and Eastern Europe?

In western Europe absolutism was enforced as opposed to Eastern Europe where there was some form of absolutism but not to a full extent it was leaning more towards serfdom.

What idea were porposed by montesquieu and Locke that contradicted absolutism?

Monarchs In Europe believed in the divine right of kings and absolutism.

Where did royal absolutism first emerge?

In Eastern and Western Europe

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Why was absolutism so important?

Absolutism cut down the rights of the people by adding new taxes and forcing peasants to become land-locked serfs. Absolutism created riots and revolts led by the angry peasants who simply wanted to live their normal lives without government interference.

What ultimately proved to be the undoing of monarchical absolutism and its system of patronage during Europe's rebirth?

growing economic power of merchants

Did the Congress of Vienna restore absolutism in Europe?

Yes. They installed Louis XVIII on the throne and reversed the republican system of France at the time.

Why are energy resources so important in Europe's growth?

Europe is a very modern and developed continent. It thinks towards the future, which is why clean energy is important to Europe and is widely used throughout the continent.

Why might it have been more difficult for absolutism to take hold in central Europe than in Western Europe?

Independent nation states developed later in Eastern Europe than in Western Europe because Eastern Europe had little history of self-rule. It had been conquered by Hitler, then the Soviet Union.

Why is coal and iron so important in Europe?

They're what steel come from.

Why didn't England have absolutism?

Absolutism was only possible in Europe after the sovereigns were able to overcome the local vested power of nobles, through the use of national armies without local agglomeration. However, during the feudal period, English nobles (barons) forced the monarchy to guarantee their legal position with the Magna Carta. As a result, when the English monarchy would finally be militarily capable of asserting absolutism, it was effectively prevented from doing so because of the barons' power in Parliament. Conversely, French, Spanish, Prussian, Austrian, and Russian nobles did not have these protections and lost power as monarchs became more capable of consolidating their power under absolutism.

Why is the euro important?

It is important so that trade is made so much easier in Europe. The EU and its members created the euro. I think that all of Europe should have the same money (Euros) because then Europe could trade with a wider range of countries easier.