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DNA was neither invented or developed, it was discovered. With the advent of microscopes scientists studied the material of cells closer and closer and discovered DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid. DNA is material found mostly in nucleus of a cell, and contains information on how cells should function, as well as how to create new similar cells.

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Q: Why was DNA invented or developed?
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What year was DNA testing invented in?

When DNA testing was invented was in 1942 by Roger Houston

Which New Zealander invented DNA?

There are many interpretations as to who "discovered" DNA, but I have never heard that it was a New Zealander that "invented" it.

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What did Darwin conclude after his trip?

Species are modified to their specific environments, and that is why they are not identical all over the world.

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The rare changes in DNA are called mutation ... BUT genetic diversity results from the shuffling of paired genes in normal sexual reproduction. Sex was "invented" to foil parasites, even before two different sexes were developed.

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he developed main streams of dna

Who invented the function of DNA?

I don't think anyone invented the function of DNA. It was first explored by Francis Crick and James D. Watson.

Who invented DNA testing?

i think it was Sir Alec Jeffreys in 1985 I THINK

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The Prius was invented and developed by Toyota.

What human DNA?

A human ;) But the human DNA is developed from the zygote, so when the sperm fertilizes the egg in the womb.