

Why was Galileo put in jail by the pope?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Galileo was never put in jail, he was put under house arrest because his teachings on gravity and the solar system was against the church.

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Q: Why was Galileo put in jail by the pope?
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What pope was against Galileo?

Pope Urban VII was the pope during Galileo's problems with the Church. he originally supported Galileo but dropped that support after Galileo made some rather disparaging remarks about the pope.

The pope who order the inquisition of Galileo?

Both Pope Gregory XV and Pope Urban VIII were involved with Galileo's case

Who excommunicated Galileo?

The Pope excommunicated Galileo.

Was Galileo galilei ever put in jail?

He was never put in jail, but he was tried by the Inquisition, found "vehemently suspect of heresy", forced to recant, and spent the rest of his life under house arrest.

What was the Pope's reaction of Galileo's teachings?

The Pope ask Galileo if he could prove his heliocentric theory of the universe. Galileo said no, he had no proof. The Pope told him he should not be teaching it as fact since it was only an hypothesis. Galileo then continued to teach it as a fact and also began writing and publishing sarcastic arrticles about the pope and other members of the Roman Curia. Most had been supportive of him up until that point. However, he lost his support and was subjected to the Inquisition who put him under house arrest for the remainder of his life.Copernicus had originally developed the hypothesis and had no problem with the Church since he clearly stated in his writings that it was not yet proven. Galileo's ego is what got him into trouble, not his scientific work.

What date was Galileo sent to jail?

1633 He was condemned ( proven guilty )

How do you defend Galileo statement for treatment and punishment from the pope?

A:The defence is that the Catholic Church apologised to Galileo in 1992. Galileo was long dead and no unable to hear the apology, but the matter is now closed.

What are some problems of Galileo?

Galileo was put under house arrest.

Did Galileo write any books?

No, Galileo wrote his first work, Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems, as a free man. It was that book that angered the Catholic Church. Galileo was never actually in jail; he was put on house arrest even when he was awaiting trial. The Church condemned him to a life of house arrest, and it was there that he wrote his second book. He was never actually in jail, but he was on permanent house arrest where he wrote his second.

How did Galileo disagree with the catholic church...?

Galileo promoted the heliocentric idea. Galileo was teaching the heliocentric theory of the universe as fact when it was, at the time, unproven. The Church asked him to revise his teaching to reflect that it was not a fact but only a theory or hypothesis. Most Church officials were on Galileo's side but agreed that he should tone down is rhetoric. Galileo had a very sharp tongue and was quite sarcastic in his remarks and that did little to help his case. Most of Galileo's disagreement with the Catholic Church was over his caustic personality and refusal to listen to reason. He was advanced the case for heliocentrism - which was accepted by some of the Church, and the Pope had previously approved it when Nicholas Copernicus put it forward, and the Pope actually wrote a foreword to his work. Galileo's problem was that he wouldn't listen to reason and accept ANY advice.

Why did the inquistintion put Galileo on trial?

galileo was put on trail becuase he published a book supporting that the planets orbit the sun

How long did galileo go to jail?

He was under house arrest for 10 years until his death.