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Q: Why was Greek army discouraged in the tenth year of their war with troy?
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What is the mission of Odysseus in going into Troy?

Odysseus is a soldier who must fight in the Greek army at Troy.

Who created the Trojan horse in troy?

The Greek army on the beach outside of Troy. It was conceived by Obysessus.

Where did the Greek army assemble before sailing to troy?


Who was known as the greatest of all Greek kings and led the army against Troy?

Answer: The Greek king who led the army against Troy was Agamemnon, the King of Mycenae. The greatest though Greek king to ever have lived was Alexander the Great. Hope this helps.

When did the Trojan horse get to Troy?

Supposedly in the tenth year of a Mycenaean Greek looting expedition in western Asia Minor.

Who was the commander of the greek army?

During the time where Greece was invading lands and had the battle of Troy, it was Agamemnon.

Who is the leader of the Greek army who was killed upon his arrival home?

troy and his grandsons were killed in his arrival

Who was in the Trojan horse?

Greek warriors tasked with opening Troy's gates to let in the Greek army when the Persian victory party subsided.

Why did they hide in the Trojan horse?

To smuggle themselves into the walls of Troy and open the gates fro the Greek army.

How did the mycenaeans capture troy?

They built a huge honking horse. A small number of Greek soldiers hid inside it. When night fall came, the soldiers killed the guards and opened the gate for the Greek Army that was hiding. Troy was then burned to the ground.

Why did troy fight Agamemnon?

Agamemnon actually led troops to attack Troy under the fact that Prince Paris of Troy kidnapped the wife of Menelaus, Agamemnon's little brother. The wife of Menelaus is the infamous Helen of Troy. Of course, when Agamemnon and the Greek army attacked Troy, they defended their city.

How many grams are in one tenth of an ounce?

there are 3.1103476800001 grams in one tenth of an troy ounce. a troy ounce has 31.103476800001 grams a avoir ounce has 28.349523125 grams