

Why was Hitler feared?

Updated: 8/23/2023
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15y ago

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He sent his opponents and people he disliked to concentration camps, had them beaten, tortured, killed ...

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Q: Why was Hitler feared?
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Did Hitler have any fears?

Hitler was a Human so he definitely feared something. Adolf Hitler was a great speaker and only made speeches to motivate the German people. He did not talk about what he feared. We do know that Hitler feared the spread of communism. He also feared torture which is why he killed himself, to avoid being tortured by Russian soldiers.

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Hitler died in Berlin , Germany 30 April 1945 by committing suicide because he feared being captured by invading Russian forces .

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Hitler expanded the SS through the Hitler Youth. These we young boys being train to a military standard at a young age. After the course was complete they were then filtered into the feared Waffen SS.

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The Gestapo. It was a much feared secret police.

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Hitler thought that the Jews betrayed Germany during the First World War. He also feared Jewish expansion would threaten Germans.

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Hitler is dumb. I am a jew,too. I didn't suffer but right now I'm doing a project. in that place where ppl learn