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Q: Why was Louis Riel called a traitor?
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Why was Louis riel a madman?

because he was a traitor

Was Louis reil a good person?

it depends on your perspective. if you're on the English side, then Louis riel was a pest. if you're on the french side, then Louis riel was a great hero who defended their rights.

Why was Louis riel a tratior?

Although Louis Riel was convicted of High Treason, in the opinion of many Canadians he was definitely not a traitor. He led a movement attempting to assert the rights of the people of mixed European and aboriginal descent in what is now the province of Manitoba against the incursions of the Canadian government. This resulted in some battles with Canadian military and police personnel, and some deaths. However, it cannot be clearly stated that Riel's actions were unjustifiable, making him a traitor.

Why is Louis Riel a traitor?

Louis riel was a traitor because: 1. He executed Thomas Scott 2. he fled to the USA when the Metis needed him most 3. he rebelled against the government illegally. 4. he betrayed his country after the rebellion failed. 5. he almost destroyed the Metis community 6. he went crazy - with religion and the Metis community. 7. he expected that everyone would listen to him. Those are some reasons Louis Riel was a traitor.

Who is Louis riel's dad?

Louis Riel's father. a well-respected leader in the Métis community, was also named Louis Riel.

Was Louis Riel a hero or a traitor?

I think that Louis Riel was both a hero and a traitor becuase to some people he was a hero but for others he was a triator .__________________Riel is both a hero and a traitor.To Canada Riel is a traitor, a criminal, a murderous villain. Riel stood up for the rights of those who lived in and had rightful claim to, lands Canada bought from the Hudson Bay Company. Lands Canada wanted everyone to think of as empty of people.To many in the lands colonised by Canada Riel is a hero for standing up against Canada, standing up for the rights of the little guy against a violent colonizer.To many in Quebec he is a hero because he was French and stood up to an English Canada, an Ontario Canada.

Why did Louis Riel come to Alberta?

Louis Riel did not "come to Alberta."

Why was Louis Riel remered?

Louis Riel is remembered for the Manitoba Act .

What province did Louis Riel form?

why did Louis Riel form Manitoba

Why was Louis Riel a Rebel?

Louis Riel was a rebel, because he fought for the metis' rights, which meant going against The canadian governement. The government wasn't happy about this, so they called him to court. Riel was declared guilty, and was hung.

When was Louis Riel - comics - created?

Louis Riel - comics - was created in 2003.

When did Louis Riel - comics - happen?

Louis Riel - comics - happened in 2003.