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Lyndon Johnson taped as many conversations as possible so that he could document as much of his presidency as possible. He was concerned with his own legacy after stepping in as President after John F. Kennedy was assassinated.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Some of his aides like Henry Kissinger would often tell the Press about conversations they'd had with Nixon in the White House. Kissinger in particular had a tendancy to give distorted accounts of what had happened. But there may well be psychological reasons involved: Nixon was always a bit restless and paranoid.

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Q: Why did president Nixon tape his conversations?
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Did President Nixon want tapes of all of this conversations?

He did, except for the portion of one tape that was "accidentally" erased.

What did the House Judiciary Committee do after President Nixon turned over tapes of his conversations?

charged him with obstructing justice

How quickly did the Smoking Gun Tape force President Nixon to resign?

3 Days

What was significant about the revelation that Nixon taped his conversations?

From the revelation of the taping system in 1973 until his death, Nixon argued that his reasons for taping were historical. OR Nixon listed several reasons behind his decision to record his conversations. The primary reasons were administrative and historical, part of the president's desire to make his administration "the best chronicled in history."

Which best describes Nixon's interpretation of executive privilege?

Certain communications with the president are confidential.

President Nixions resignation was a result of?

Watergate. Nixon sent in burglars into the Watergate building where the democratic headquarters was located. A security guard found them by noticing a piece of masking tape on the door jam. Nixon was able to hide his relationship with the burglars until it was discovered that his instructions had been taped in the Oval Office. Two investigative journalists were told about the taped conversations and were able to uncover the plot. Not long after in an interview with David Frost Nixon stated that the president was "above the law" and laws didn't apply to him.

Who was the president when the Watergate scandal was uncovered?

Richard M. Nixon was the President implictated in the Watergate Scandal.

What was the key factor that caused Richard Nixon to resign from office?

Nixon was caught in a lie and cover up concerning the Watergate break in. He had tape recorders in the Oval Office and the tapes showed how involved he was in the plan and coverup. They were taped conversations between him and Dean, Colson, and others.

What was President Nixon trying to avoid when he claimed executive privilege during the Watergate scandal?

handing over secret tapes of oval office conversations to prosecutors

What were the events that led to the Watergate crisis and how did President Nixon's involvement in the case gradually emerge?

Money that was paid to the "plumbers"apprehended at the Watergate was traced to a slush fund linked to the Committee to RE Elect the President (CREEP).Subsequent investigations, spurred by ongoing coverage in the Washington Post, led to high ranking officials in the Nixon administration.Finally the revelation of the White House system for taping conversations uncovered the "smoking gun" a tape which proved that the President himself had knowledge of the cover-up.Nixon's only option, to avoid impeachment, was to resign the Presidency.

What was president Richard Nixon trying to avoid when he claimed executive privilege during the Watergate scandal?

handing over secret tapes of oval office conversations to prosecutors

What did President Nixon believe about executive privilege?

President Nixon shared most of the past US presidents' beliefs about the expansion of executive privilege. On the whole, the power of the US presidency has had an expanding role in US politics since the early years of Jefferson.