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She was falsely accused of being a spendthrift.

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Q: Why was Marie Antoinette named Queen of Debt?
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What did Marie Antoinette do that caused her death?

Her only crime was that she was born an Austrian. She was the Queen of France, and ever since the revolutionaries wanted to get rid of their monarchs to start a republic, vicious rumours had spread about her and she was falsely seen as the cause of the great debt the country was in. The revolutionaries therefore decided not only to kill the King of France, but also his wife, Marie Antoinette. Not only that, but she was extremely vicious towards peasants and third estate-men. She was credited with saying that if they were having troubles, "let them eat cake!" which basically meant she didnt really care about their situation money wise or didnt know about it.

What reputation did Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI have with the French public?

Marie Antionette and King Louis were not respected and loved by the people of France at the time, firstly due to the fact that while France was starving and growing in debt they were refurbishing their palaces. secondly they were not popular people as Marie Antionette was Austrian and therefore was not respected nor welcomed by the people of france even though she was a caring and loving queen, the french public used propoganda in order to give her a bad reputation. They were not popular and were seen almost as if they were an evil force driving France into ruins and thus were not respectd nor loved by the fellow people of france at the time

Was Marie Antoinette guilty?

She was found guilty and was sentenced to die. There was little effort given to the concept of defense and no appeal could be granted. To give the Committee of Public Safety any recognition as a body of law is a disgrace. It was a mock trial with a predetermined conclusion.Some had considered the possibility of exiling the Queen to some remote wilderness like Boston or Philadelphia for life, but a living Monarch was considered to be a threat to the Revolution.

Why was Marie Antoinette be-headed?

Marie Antoinette was beheaded because she was Queen of France during the unfortunate period of the French Revolution. The French people regarded the ancien regime, the system of monarchy and aristocracy that had been in place in France for hundreds of yeras, as evil and responsible for all the hardships that they had been forced to face over the years, which was largely true. The French monarchy was self-indulgent and spent vast amounts of money (i.e. the Palace of Versailles). People regard Queen Marie Antoinette as the embodyment of all that was wrong with the government, with her ridiculous expensive fashions and extravagance. In the Revolution, and above all in the Reign of Terror that encompassed the time during which Marie was beheaded, all the aristocrats, characterized as "enemies of the republic" were sent to the guillotine. Marie was the very height of the monarchy, so she was destined to die. Her life may have been spared if her brother Joseph II of Austria or her mother Maria Theresa were still alive and they could have sent her help, but they were not and so she went to the guillotine.Or:Because she suffered from a fatal birth defect. She was born an Austrian and that alone was adequate to demand her death during the French Revolution.

Why is Cleopatra the best pharaoh?

Queen Cleopatra was a great queen because, she got Egypt out of this huge debt they got stuck in. Her father was the on who got them in that huge debt. Queen Cleopatra was also the one who fixed the canals in the Nile river.

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What would Marie Antoinette gamble?

I'd say money. Even though their country was on debt!?

How did Marie Antoinette dress?

VERY super duper FANCY and EXTRAVAGANT....she spent a lot of money for herself which added to France's debt crisis of course

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Antoinette L Banks has written "Girl, Get Your Credit Straight!" and "Get out of Debt With Alvin Hall." Her works focus on personal finance and debt management.

What did Marie Antoinette do that caused her death?

Her only crime was that she was born an Austrian. She was the Queen of France, and ever since the revolutionaries wanted to get rid of their monarchs to start a republic, vicious rumours had spread about her and she was falsely seen as the cause of the great debt the country was in. The revolutionaries therefore decided not only to kill the King of France, but also his wife, Marie Antoinette. Not only that, but she was extremely vicious towards peasants and third estate-men. She was credited with saying that if they were having troubles, "let them eat cake!" which basically meant she didnt really care about their situation money wise or didnt know about it.

What was Marie Antoinette described as?

By her enemies she was rumored to be an Austrian spy and a spendthrift who was responsible for the vast debt that France had assumed. She was said to be out of touch with her subjects because when asked about the bread shortage among the peasants she replied with "Let them eat Cake". She never made that statement, lived on a much smaller allowance then any Queen before her, supported numerous charities and the French Debt had been inherited by her and her husband.Her supporters considered her to be a good and caring Queen, modest, a talented musician, equestrian and an outstanding wife and mother,

What were some scandals of Marie Antoinette?

The failure to keep her country wealthy; France became very poor because of the debt the Queen put the country through, and the spending of money which was unecessary, and which the country did not have.

When did King Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette die and why?

Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette both died in 1793 (Louis on Januari 21st and Marie Antoinette on October 16th) on the scaffold. King Louis XVI and his wife Queen Marie Antoinette lost their monarchical power during the French Revolution. They inherited an enormous state debt (by Louis XIV and Louis XV). Also, Louis XVI was indecisive and not firm enough to rule. Radical financial reforms by Turgot and Malesherbes angered the nobles and were blocked by the parlements who insisted that the King did not have the legal right to levy new taxes. So Turgot was dismissed in 1776 and Malesherbes resigned in 1776 to be replaced by Jacques Necker. Necker supported the American Revolution, and proceeded with a policy of taking out large international loans instead of raising taxes. When this policy failed miserably, Louis dismissed him, and replaced him in 1783 with Charles Alexandre de Calonne, who increased public spending to 'buy' the country's way out of debt. Again this failed, so Louis convoked the Assembly of Notables in 1787 to discuss a revolutionary new fiscal reform proposed by Calonne. When the nobles were told the extent of the debt, they were shocked into rejecting the plan. This negative turn of events signaled to Louis that he had lost the ability to rule as an absolute monarch, and he fell into depression. The French didn't want to be ruled by monarchs anymore, but wanted to become a republic without "tyrannizing" monarchs that they thought spend all their tax money and wanted equality, and also no more nobility with all their benefits and privileges. The revolutionists captured King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, held them prisoners and eventually had them beheaded by a guillotine.

What reputation did Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI have with the French public?

Marie Antionette and King Louis were not respected and loved by the people of France at the time, firstly due to the fact that while France was starving and growing in debt they were refurbishing their palaces. secondly they were not popular people as Marie Antionette was Austrian and therefore was not respected nor welcomed by the people of france even though she was a caring and loving queen, the french public used propoganda in order to give her a bad reputation. They were not popular and were seen almost as if they were an evil force driving France into ruins and thus were not respectd nor loved by the fellow people of france at the time

Was Marie Antoinette guilty?

She was found guilty and was sentenced to die. There was little effort given to the concept of defense and no appeal could be granted. To give the Committee of Public Safety any recognition as a body of law is a disgrace. It was a mock trial with a predetermined conclusion.Some had considered the possibility of exiling the Queen to some remote wilderness like Boston or Philadelphia for life, but a living Monarch was considered to be a threat to the Revolution.

Why was Marie Antoinette be-headed?

Marie Antoinette was beheaded because she was Queen of France during the unfortunate period of the French Revolution. The French people regarded the ancien regime, the system of monarchy and aristocracy that had been in place in France for hundreds of yeras, as evil and responsible for all the hardships that they had been forced to face over the years, which was largely true. The French monarchy was self-indulgent and spent vast amounts of money (i.e. the Palace of Versailles). People regard Queen Marie Antoinette as the embodyment of all that was wrong with the government, with her ridiculous expensive fashions and extravagance. In the Revolution, and above all in the Reign of Terror that encompassed the time during which Marie was beheaded, all the aristocrats, characterized as "enemies of the republic" were sent to the guillotine. Marie was the very height of the monarchy, so she was destined to die. Her life may have been spared if her brother Joseph II of Austria or her mother Maria Theresa were still alive and they could have sent her help, but they were not and so she went to the guillotine.Or:Because she suffered from a fatal birth defect. She was born an Austrian and that alone was adequate to demand her death during the French Revolution.

Why is Cleopatra the best pharaoh?

Queen Cleopatra was a great queen because, she got Egypt out of this huge debt they got stuck in. Her father was the on who got them in that huge debt. Queen Cleopatra was also the one who fixed the canals in the Nile river.

Why was Mary Antoinette be headed?

Marie Antoinette, the young Austrian queen of King Louis XVI, was beheaded as a result of the rising discontent of the Third Estate (bourgeoisie, peasantry, and artisans). The discontent stemmed from the French intervention in the American Revolution. Helping the Americans, as it turned out, came with a crippling amount of debt. In order to counteract this debt, the Crown decided to raise taxes, taking more money from the dirt poor peasantry. A poor harvest and rising inflation led to a series of bread riots, as accounted for by E. J. F. Barbier's Chronique de la regence et du regne de Louis XV ou journal de Barbier.Money has been devalued by one-third this year. . . . Order is being reestablished only with great difficulty, which highlights the danger of workers becoming accustomed to increased earnings. It was attractive for them to work only three days and to have enough to live on for the rest of the week. (April, 1724)On Saturday the fourteenth, a baker of the faubourg Saint-Antoine seemingly tried to sell bread for thirty-four sous which that morning had cost thirty. The woman to whom this happened caused an uproar and called her neighbors. The people gathered, furious with bakers in general. Soon their numbers reached eighteen hundred, and they looted all the bakers' houses in the faubourg from top to bottom, throwing dough and flour into the gutter. Some also profited from the occasion by stealing silver and silverware. (17 July, 1725)Throughout this predicament, the richest classes, the First and Second Estates (clergy and nobility), were tax exempt. Furthermore, the Third Estate had nearly no say in the government or the Church, and were unable to stop the over taxation of the masses. Marie Antoinette, with her pearl adorned tresses, her frivolous spending, and her reckless habits, had to be taught a lesson. In truth, Marie Antoinette was not as affluent as it seemed, but paintings, such as Jeanne-Baptiste Gautier's Marie Antoinette, certainly seemed to affirm this viewpoint. After the Storming of the Bastille, the discontent of the Third Estate evolved into a full blown revolution: The French Revolution. Shortly after, Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI were put under house arrest, and later prison. On October 14, 1793, Marie Antoinette was given a trial and was accused of various scandalous acts including incest with her son, which stemmed from rumors and public belief. Two days later, on October 16, 1793, Marie Antoinette was beheaded at the guillotine.