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It was significant during the reformation because it rooted many Christians sects today.His insistence that only scripture is invalid in the Catholic because first and foremost the Apostolic tradition of the 1'st to 4'th century must also recognize.The scripture was only completed at the end of 4'th century.
At the time of the Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church's clergy were extremely corrupt. The corrupt practice which Martin Luther most despised about the Church of his day was the sale of indulgences, which entailed laity paying to receive partial remission of temporal punishment due for sins committed. Because Luther saw that the clergy was so corrupt, he wanted to limit the power of the clergy and the clergy HAD that power because they were the only ones who could read and interpret The Bible. By allowing the average person access to the Bible, Luther took that excess of power away from the clergy.

Scripture is static, while traditions and orations may evolve over time. Luther taught that scripture is the final authority on matters of faith and doctrine. While the Church has her traditions, she always looks towards the inspired and written record of Jesus' life and His own words as a means to remain in keeping with the Church that Jesus Himself intended and came to start.

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Q: Why was Martin Luther's insistence that only scripture carried religious authority significant to the Reformation period?
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