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Mexico was considered the Crown Jewel of the Spanish Empire due to its extensive territory, high population density and natural resources. During colonial times (1600-1800) Mexico became the empire's largest source of precious minerals, including gold and silver.

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Q: Why was Mexico once considered the crown jewel of the Spanish Empire?
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What nation ruled Mexico before they won their independence?

He was a Viceroy, appointed by the Spanish Crown. The last viceroy of the New Spain, before it became Mexico, was Juan O'Donoju (1762-1821)

Was Mexico a colony territory or mandate of another country before independence?

Before its independence, Mexico was considered an overseas territory of the Spanish Crown. This means that it was treated as another Spanish province, and was ruled by a Viceroy, appointed by the Spanish Monarch.

Which country colonized Mexico?

Spain qualifies as such. Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes (1485 - 1547) sailed from Cuba in 1518 and discovered Mexico the following year. He eventually conquered the Aztec Empire in 1521, having Mexico become an overseas territory of the Spanish Crown for the following 300 years, until Mexico attained its independence in 1821.

Which European nation controlled Mexico until 1821?

The Spanish Empire ruled and controlled Mexico for three centuries until 1821, at the end of the Mexican War of Independence (1810-1821).

Who was the leader in the Spanish invasion on Mexico?

Hernan Cortes (1485 - 1547) is the Spanish conquistador that conquered Mexico in 1521 and annexed it as an overseas territory of the Spanish Crown.

Who in the European continent colonized Mexico?

Spain qualifies as such. Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes (1485 - 1547) sailed from Cuba in 1518 and discovered Mexico the following year. He eventually conquered the Aztec Empire in 1521, having Mexico become an overseas territory of the Spanish Crown for the following 300 years, until Mexico attained its independence in 1821.

What changed when the Spanish came to Mexico?

In a broad sense, it was all about rape, pillage and burn: they conquered Mexico and added it as an overseas territory of the Spanish crown.

Did Mexico ever own Brazil?

No. Both were possessions of different European powers during the Age of Exploration; Mexico belonged to the Spanish Crown, while Brazil was part of the Portuguese Empire. Even after both countries' independence movements, neither of them belonged to each other.

When did the Spanish conquer the Aztec empire in Mexico?

From the first years of the 16th century until the last years of the 17th. It really depends on each region and individual countries. For example, Cuba was conquered in 1503; Mexico on 1521; Peru in 1532; Paraguay in 1580; the last Mayan cities in Central America were not conquered until 1697.

When did Guatemala get their indendence general?

Guatemala did not fight for its independence, it got it from the fight Mexico gave to the Spanish crown.

What was the purpose of corteses expedtion?

Hernán Cortés de Monroy y Pizarro was a Spanish conquistador. On his colonization of the Americas expedition he took over portions of Mexico and the Aztec empire and placed them under the Crown of Castile.

What was Hernan Cortes expedition goals?

Hernan Cortes' expedition goals were to explore and conquer new territories, specifically the Aztec Empire in Mexico. He also aimed to seek wealth and resources for himself and the Spanish crown, as well as spread Christianity.