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He said that anyone who went and fought in the Holy Land had an immediate remission of their sins.

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Q: Why was Pope Urban II able to recruit so many people to fight for the crusades?
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Who was in charge the crusades?

Pope Urban told the people to go fight for the holy land by doing so you will get a place in heavan

Why do people yell deus vult at the beginning of crusades?

It was a famous quote from Pope Urban II's speech to go off to fight in the Crusades. He said "Deus vult!", meaning "God wills it!", referring to the Crusades.

Did Pope Urban send the Turks to fight the Muslims in Crusades?

No, he sent Christians to fight. The Turks were Muslims.

Can women fight in crusades?

Crusades did not allow women to fight because people only thought that women were to work in the manor.

Who ordered the christian to fight the crusades?

Pope Urban demanded that all Christians were to reclaim the holy land from the Muslims.

Why did people fight in crusades?

The Pope asked them to fight and many Christians answered his call.

Why were knights eager to fight in Crusades?

people wanted to fight in the crusades for many different reasons, such as:EVERYBODY WAS EAGER TO FIGHT IN THE CRUSADES BECAUSE THEY GET GRANTED INTO HEAVEN IF THEY DIE IN THE CRUSADESKnights fought in the crusades because of their love for war also for their lady.Fighting in this war meant honour and pride as well as the reasons above.

How did the christians get so many people to fight in the crusades?

to support the christans

What country did the Crusades fight for control over?

you people dont know a thing

What led the Christians to participate in the crusades?

Christians participated in the Crusades in order to regain access to the Holy Land in Jerusalem. They were also trying to stop the spread of Islam.Pope Urban II said if they went on the Crusade to fight for Christianity they would have a free pass to heaven.

The result of the first crusades was?

the crusades were too week to fight

Why did the Muslims fight the crusades war?

cause Christian people started the war first for holy land that's why Muslims fight with them for their protect..