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Among other things, he anointed King Saul and King David at God's command; and together with David, he set down the blueprints for the First Temple.

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Q: Why was Samuel important in Israelite prophecy?
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Who was the first of Israel's prophets?

There are three possible answers. 1) Abraham, the progenitor of the Jewish people, was a prophet (Genesis 20:7). 2) Moses, who lived later than Abraham but was the first Israelite to formally prophesy in terms such as "thus spoke God", and who recorded God's words in writing. 3) Samuel, who was the beginning of the schools of the prophets, in which potential prophets were taught how to attempt to achieve prophecy.

What are the messages of 1 and 2 Samuel?

The overriding topic of 1 and 2 Samuel is how the Israelite monarchy got underway, including the lives of the first two kings (Saul and David). See also:More about the beginning of the Israelite monarchyContents of 1 Samuel

How was Saul appointed as the king?

The people had asked Samuel to appoint a king (1 Samuel ch.8). At that time, Saul's family had lost two donkeys, and Saul went out in search of them (1 Samuel ch.9). God informed Samuel through prophecy, that a man would come to him the next day, and he was to be made the first Israelite king. The following day, Saul's search brought him to Samuel's town, and Samuel anointed him as king. See also:More about SamuelAppointing the first kingSaul's accomplishments

Who became prophet after Samuel?

Samuel had a number of disciples who followed him in prophecy. Two of them whose names we have are Gad the Seer and Nathan.

How did prophecy arise in Israel from Abraham?

Prophecy as an institution, with continuous generations of teachers and multiple disciples, arose from the time of Samuel and continued until the First Destruction. Before that, there were prophets including Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but they were exceptional individuals whose disciples did not merit prophecy. During the time of the Judges, prophecy was rare (1 Samuel 3:1).

Who was the Israelite judge who won honor and respect?

It is the old man Samuel who was a Judge as well as a prophet.

Who created the first kingdom in Israel?

Saul, the first king in Israel, was chosen by Samuel through prophecy from God, after the Israelite elders requested a king (1 Samuel ch.8-10.As the very first Israelite king, Saul set up the apparatus of royalty and its institutions.He put Israel's enemies to shame (1 Samuel 14:47-48).Under the guidance of Samuel, he united the Israelite tribes.He briefly experienced prophecy.Note that concerning Saul, our tradition explicitly states that he was a righteous man (Talmud, Moed Katan 16b; and midrash Br. Rabbah 54:4).See also:More from archaeologyMore about Samuel and King Saul

Who helped choose Saul as first Israelite king?

Here God chose Saul as king , but Samuel anointed him as king.

Who was a judge and a prophet that anointed 2 famous Israelite kings?

The prophet Samuel anointed Saul and later David as King of Israel. Samuel had the unique position of being prophet, judge, and priest.

Which books of prophecy fall into major prophets?

The major prophets and their books are Daniel, Samuel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Isaiah.

The major prophet who spent his entire life in Israel and Judah?

Samuel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Elijah.See also:More about the Israelite prophets

Where is the prophecy of Saul was given about what was going to happen in 1samuel 28?

Saul wastold by the spirit of Samuel that the Philistines would defeat him.