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Pindling, who served as prime minister of the Bahamas from 1967 to 1992, presided over the nation when it gained its independence from the British in 1973. In many respects, he can be considered the George Washington of the Bahamas.

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Q: Why was Sir Lynden Pindling's face placed on the Bahamian dollar bill?
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Prior to 1935 Lady Liberty was on the silver dollar. Begining in 1971, although they no longer contained silver, the likeness of Dwight D. Eisenhower was on the dollar coin. Begining in 1979 the likeness of Susan B. Anthony was on the dollar coin. Begining in 2000 a portrayal of Sacagawea was on the dollar coin. Begining in 2007 the Presidential series placed a likeness of each of the US presidents on the dollar coin.

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