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Wycliffe translated the inerrant Holy Scriptures into English so that anyone who could read would be able to read The Bible in his or her own native language. This was a threat only to a church of men who were more interested in having authority over the people for their own personal gain rather than for a church of men who would applaud that the Truth may be known to all. There may have been a fear of interpretation but a true man of God would still yearn to have the Gospel be available to all (Psalm 119, John 5:39, Acts 17:11, Romans 10:17, 2 Timothy 2:15) and emphasize that the Bible is not for ANY private interpretation as written in Isaiah 28:10, 28:13, and 2 Peter 1:20. Also, some in the institutional church may have thought or realized that some of their teachings and practices were not in agreement with the inerrant word of God. They thus wanted to hide this from the people, lest these things be uncovered and their 'hold' on people be loosed.

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Q: Why was Wycliffe a threat to the institutional church?
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