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While he was a major deity, and very popular, Mercury wasn't particularly important, at least compared to other major deities. To that point, he had no priests of his own despite having a major festival, the Mercuralia, which was celebrated on May 15th every year.

As a deity, his importance was mostly related to his role as the patron of commerce and trade.

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Q: Why was god mercury so important to the Romans?
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Why is Mercury named after the god?

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Not obviously so, no. The Greeks associated him with Hermes, and the Romans with Mercury. So not so important.

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Mercury was the Roman god of Messengers and Travelers. so he probably was the gods messenger.

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How did the planet mercury gets it name?

Mercury was the fastest-moving of the "wandering stars" or "planetes" known to the ancient world; and so it was associated with the Greek god Hermes and the Roman god Mercurius, both believed to be wing-footed messengers travelling swiftly through the worlds of both gods and humans. We call the planet Mercury because our language is more closely related to the Latin of the Romans than to the language of the Greeks.

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The symbol comes from Hydrargyrum, greek for water and silver, an older name for mercury. It is also called quick silver. It was renamed later for the Roman god, Mercury.

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What roman mythology god did mercury get its name from?

You answered your own question. Mercury the planet was sacred to Hermes in Greek culture, because it appeared to move so quickly from night to night. The Romans later adopted the same ideology and named the planet Mercury, which we still call it today.

How did mercury get it name?

Mercury got its name from the Roman messenger, Mercury. Mercury was a fast messenger, so Mercury orbits the sun fast.The planet Mercury was named after the Roman god of messengers Mercury.The planet mercury has the most rapid apparent movement in the sky of any astronomical body that looks to the naked eye like a star. Therefore the ancients considered it to be the rapidly moving messenger of the Gods, who was called Mercury by the Romans.

Who was Mercury in mythology?

Mercury is Hermes in his roman form so god of messages and communication