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Hitler wanted land for his Third Reich. His Third Reich was supposed to last for a thousand years. If so, you wouldn't have asked this question and I wouldn't have answerd it.

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Q: Why was it so bad that Hitler built the Third Reich?
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Totalitarism was not so bad as fascism at Third Reich of Hitler.

Why did Hitler encourage people to do bad things?

Depends on what you mean by Bad thing because their is many views of bad. During the reign of the the Third Reich, what we think of bad was good to the Germans. Hitler encourages some people to do thing such as killing and beating people because Hitler wanted to free Europe from Jews and communism. Hitler encouraged people because, He knew they would listen to him. The listen because Hitler was their leader and Hitler was an inspiration to all the German's. The Germans were inspired by Hitler because, of the positive things Hitler done.

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He promised economic prosperity, restoration of greatness to Germany in the form of the Third Reich, and united the German people by blaming the Jews for the losses of WWI.

How did Germany feel about modern art?

During the Third Reich? Very, very bad-- they had a whole show devoted to it and called it Degenerate Art.

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The pronunciation (reek) has two words:reek - to smell very bad, to stinkwreak - to inflict or cause (e.g. to wreak vengeance)The pronunciation (ryk) has the likely word:reich - (Reich, from German) realm, empire notably the Third Reich

What justificaion Hitler use when he sent German troops into sudethenland in october 1938?

The justification given was that the Czech government was abusing ethnic Sudeten Germans, and so, Germany was heroically coming to their rescue, to save them from those nasty, bad Czechs. After the invasion a "plebiscite" (vote) was taken, which , hardly surprisingly, found that the Sudeten population was overwhelmingly in favor of unification with the Third Reich.

Was Hitler a bad man d day?

Yes, Hitler was a very bad man.

Did Stalin have a bad childhood like Hitler that led to his ruthlessness?

Stalin had a bad childhood not bad as Hitler though

Was Hitler bad when he was young?

Hitler was really only bad later on in his life, when he was younger he was not as bad as when he was older.

Did Hitler have bad encounters with the Jews?

There is no evidence that Hitler had bad encounters with Jews on a personal level.

Did Hitler bury people alive?

yes, Hitler was a bad man. He did bad stuff. He did lots of bad stuff. He is a bad man. no, he was a politician not a manual labourer.

Use Ku Klux Klan in a sentenece?

the klu klux klan was almost as bad as Hitler but not as bad at Hitler.