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A lot of it had to with the different nationalities within the empire and the language barrier from all those different nationalities. The Austrian and Hungarians thought they were better then their Slavic and Northern Italian counterparts/subjects.

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Q: Why was it so difficult to govern the Austro-Hungarian Empire?
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Why was it so difficult to govern. Austro Hungarian empire?

A lot of it had to with the different nationalities within the empire and the language barrier from all those different nationalities. The Austrian and Hungarians thought they were better then their Slavic and Northern Italian counterparts/subjects.

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no the division of the roman empire was so that the empire could be easier to govern and so it wasn't the division but actually the emperors. also that is why the Byzantine empire lasted longer.

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Why did Romans divide their empire in 395 A.D?

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Why did the Roman Empire have to divide their empire?

I think its because That Constantine thought it would be too hard for 1 emperor to rule by himself so he divided the empire into two and sent one of his loyal servants to go rule the western part of Rome.

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In pre-mechanical transport era, communication and movement of armies was slow and difficult. So they split the Empire into four to give two emperors and two caesars more manageable quotas.

What is am empire?

In empire is a Empire that is connected with a Colonial Empire so that's what an empire is.

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So it won't be a caios make laws

Why is if the government denies its people certain basic rights that government can be overthrown expressed in the declaration of independence?

it loses the right to govern so it cant govern anymore