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Q: Why was martin Luther proud of his crimes?
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Was martin luther king proud of himself?

His family was

Was Martin Luther king proud of his race?

yes,that is why he fought for it.

What accomplishments was Martin Luther King Jr proud of?

He did alot of things

What did young men feel about Martin Luther King Jr?

They felt proud that he spoke up and said those things he needed to say. Martin Luther King Jr. is a great preacher. :)

What are characteristic of martin Luther king jr?

honorable and he is also very brave. he made lots of people proud.

What was Martin Luther King's weapon against injustice?

His weapon was a crowd full of proud blacks fighting for their rights

The German theologian is credited with beginning the Protestant reformation?

Martin Luther

Why was Martin Luther King Jr. named after Martin Luther?

Martin Luther King Jr was not named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr was named after his father, Martin Luther King. Martin Luther King was named after Martin Luther.

Who was a German priest who is credited with starting the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther- protestant reformation leader

Why did Martin Luthers father change the name of Martin Luther?

Martin Luther is the creator of Lutheranism. Martin Luther King was named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr. was named after his father, Martin Luther King. Nobody's name was changed.

Was Martin Luther King jr named after Martin Luther of Germany?

Martin Luther King Jr's father, Martin Luther King, was named after Martin Luther. Martin Luther King Jr was named after his father.

What was Martin Luther King jr's dad's name?

The father of Martin Luther King, Jr. was Martin Luther King, Sr.