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Q: Why was silt important to early egypain farmers?
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Why was silt important to early Egyptian farmers?

Silt was good for the egyptians because silt gave them good soil. The crops also grew quickly.

How did silt help farmers?

silt helped farmers by giving them the fertile soil to grow their crops in.

Farmers benefit from mineral rich and silt called?

Farmers benefit from mineral-rich dust and silt called _____.

Why was it important for ancient farmers to control the Huang River What made it hard for them to achieve their goal?

because of its silt

How does silt benefit farmers?

It gives farmers fertile soil.

Why did my early early farmers settle in river valleys?

Well one reason is because, it provided silt for the crops.

How was the Nile's flooding a great help for early civilizations?

It was because when the Nile flooded, it left behind this fertile soil called silt. The farmers used this silt to produce crops. When a civilization has enough food, it thrives.

How does silt help farmers?

silt helps farmers by giving them fertile soil to grow crops in

River flooding of the Indus River valley helped early farmers by leaving what behind?

Silt, which annually refreshed the soil and water, both of which facilitated growth of crops.

What is the name of the mineral-rich silt that is deposited on the banks?

Farmers benefit from mineral-rich dust and silt called _____.

Why is silt important?

Silt is important because it makes rich soil which is good for growing crops.

How does deposition help farmers?

It deposits nutrient-rich silt onto the farmland, fertilizing it.