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Because the idols are made by hand and they are not god or Allah i think that some people believe that it is kind of like the devil, they do not eat or sleep or talk or do any kind of miracle so why these idols they are only made by you so that is why our beloved prophet Ibrahim smashed all the idols and when the neighbours got to know they told their king he said "fine i will throw you in fire then we will see who saves you then". then he threw him in fire but the fire suddenly turned into a flower bed everyone was shocked thinking that the king did this and he lied and said yes it was all me. and no one believed him!

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Q: Why was smashing up the idols important to the Islamic religion?
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Who is the idol of Islam religion?

No idols is allowed in Islam religion. Idols are strictly prohibited per Quran and prophet Muhammad (PBUH) teachings.

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Sikhism as a religion is opposed to idol worship therefore you don't find any statue of God in a Gurudwara.

Why is idolatry forebidden?

It is the worship of idols that are not part of your religion

How can you ensure that you do not worship false idols?

Answer'Idols' is a derogatory term used by one religion about the holy images of another religion. To a Christian, an image of Jesus is not an idol, but images of the gods of other religions are 'idols'. So, the concept of false idols relies on knowing which religion is right for you, and only worshipping the God or gods of that religion. And the safest way to avoid worshipping false idols is to not worship any god at all - after all many say that there really is no God.

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Both believe in worshipping the Knowledge and not in the Idols or individual persons

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They were a religion created in 1734. They meet at a secret castle every day and worship idols such as fruit and trees.

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The Torah and oral tradition of Judaism state that Abraham founded the Jewish religion by abandoning idols and recognizing one G-d above all others.

What religion was mohammed before he was Muslim?

his people used to worship idols,but he never followed them.he used to do a lot of meditation.he also avoided alcohol ,and all what his peers used to do for fun.For more information on Pre-Islamic religions see;

Did the Christian conquerors of Mexico like the Aztec religion?

Not at all. They destroyed all temples and idols and slaughtered all priests related to such religion. Then, to prevent a revolt, they mixed the Christian saints with the former idols in such a way to "soften" the adjustment to Christianity. This is called "religious syncretism".

How is Jerusalem Mecca and Medina Important to the Islamic people?

Mecca is important to Islam because it is where the Kabbah is located. The Kabbah is the construct which Muslims pray towards and have to visit when performing their Hajj Migration. It's also where the Prophet Muhammed is from. Medina is important because it is the first city which pledged their allegiance to Muhammed, and gave Muhammed refuge when he had to escape from Mecca due to persecution- and therefore it was the first Islamic State (the Islamic calendar starts when Muhammed journeyed to Mecca). Jerusalem is important because other Islamic prophets like Abraham, Jesus, Moses are connected with Jerusalem (yes they are the same biblical ones - Islam considers itself an extension of judaiochristiandom). Moreover, its important because that is where the Prophet visited during his ascension to Heaven (he visited heaven according to Islamic theology and stopped at Jerusalem). Finally, Jerusalem was the direction of prayer for the Muslims initially when the Kabbah was full of idols.

Why was Mecca important site to the Arabs?

Answer 1It was important because they had the power and because they had wealthy people and it was good for trade.Answer 2During the Pre-Islamic Period, Mecca was important to Arabs as it had a number of holy sites such as the Ka'aba (which in that period was full of idols). The religious holiness of the city made it a violence free zone in order to preserve the artifiacts. The benefit conferred by this status of being a non-violent zone also made it a commercial hub since trade could be conducted there without the threat of thieves attacking and stealing these goods. Therefore, Mecca became the economic center of the Peninsula.Of course, in the Islamic Period, Mecca was cleansed of idols and became a holy city for Muslims.

Why does idol worship poison your community?

Idols are representations of gods and therefore evidence of religious observance. The idols themselves do no harm and are sacred to those who follow their religion. However some, fortunately a very small minority, see any evidence of a religion other than their own as something to be despised. They vent their intolerance and try to influence others who would prefer to ignore the idols, thus poisoning the community. So the effect of idols on the broader community is indirect, but unfortunately it happens.