

Why was the Bible made?

Updated: 10/27/2022
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8y ago

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The Bible was made for a number of reasons.

One of them was so that we in these last generations of man's allotted time of errant rule on earth [worshiping and obeying the wrong god; Satan, the god of this world] would have the Laws of God; so that the Truth of God will be made available to anyone who chooses to "believe" them - to know and obey: that in the Judgment at the Last Day of God's plan for His creation, we would be without excuse… so that we won't be able to say, "How could we have known?"

At just the right time in God's plan, He caused His Word to be written down [codified] and preserved for the latter day generations:

"Moses was with the assembly of God's people in the wilderness. He was the mediator between the people of Israel and the angel who GAVE HIM LIFE-GIVING WORDS on Mount Sinai TO PASS ON TO US." (Acts 7:38 NLTNew Living Translation)

Another reason the Bible was made, is so that "God's Faithful, Obedient servants"… those whom He is calling out of the world by His written, Holy Spirit-inspired Word… sanctifying them for his Holy purpose and use… will have His instruction manual available to them: His Laws, to Know and Understand what God expects of His Children:

"Children, obey your parents because you belong to the LORD, for THIS IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO. 'Honor your father and your mother.' This is the first Commandment that ends with a promise. And this is the promise: If you honor your father and mother, 'you will live a long life, full of blessing.' And now a word with you fathers. Don't make your children angry by the way you treat them. Rather, bring them up with the discipline and instruction approved by the LORD." (Eph.6:1-4 NLT)

We couldn't do that today, except that God caused the Bible to be made and preserved by His Faithful servants.

"…An angel was sent to His servant John so that JOHN COULD SHARE THE REVELATION WITH GOD's OTHER SERVANTS. John Faithfully reported the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ - everything he saw. God blesses THE ONE WHO READS this prophecy to the church, and He blesses ALL WHO LISTEN TO IT and OBEY WHAT IT SAYS. For the time is near when these things will happen." (Rev.1:1-3 NLT)​

And perhaps the most sobering reason the Bible was made; is because God is going to "open its books" [the Holy Bible isn't one book, but many books] on the Day of Judgment to use as a "measuring stick" by which to JUDGE THE WORLD -- THE WORKS OF EVERYONE WHO HAS EVER LIVED AND DIED throughout the generations of man.

"I saw the [resurrected] dead, both great and small, standing before God's throne. And THE BOOKS WERE OPENED, including the Book of Life. And the [resurrected] dead were Judged according to the things WRITTEN IN THE BOOKS, according to what they had done." (Rev.20:12 NLT)

The world little knows or understands that the entirety of the Bible is the "inspired" WORDS OF JESUS CHRIST: the WORD of God and Almighty Creator God of the Old Testament!

"HE CREATED EVERYTHING THERE IS. Nothing exists that He didn't make." (John 1:3 NLT)

Jesus Himself reveals that it will be His Words, His Message, and His Instruction [THE BIBLE] that shall Judge us all. The books of the Bible that shall be opened on Judgment Day:

"…'all who reject Me and My Message will be Judged at the Day of Judgment BY THE TRUTH I HAVE SPOKEN… ["Make them Pure and Holy by teaching them your Words of Truth." - John 17:17] I don't speak on My own Authority. The FATHER WHO SENT ME gave Me His own instruction as to WHAT I SHOULD SAY. And I know His instructions LEAD TO ETERNAL LIFE; so I SAY WHATEVER THE FATHER TELLS ME TO SAY!'" (John 12:48-50 NLT)

"'It is the Spirit that gives Eternal Life. Human effort accomplishes nothing. And THE VERY WORDS I HAVE SPOKEN TO YOU [which are recorded in the Bible] ARE SPIRIT and LIFE.'" (John 6:63 NLT)

These are some of the reasons why the Bible was made. It's God's "Owner's Manual" for the maintenance and upkeep of the "manufactured product God made;" whereby man, through Faith and Obedience to God's Truthful, Divinely-inspired Word, may grow and prosper physically and spiritually in Righteous Character through a Second Birth into the future Immortal Children and Family of God.

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