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To the contrary, it wasn't only Jews who were persecuted, though they did constitute the majority. Gyspsies, gays, other minorities and political disidents were all targeted, imprisoned and executed during the years of the Holocaust. They were targeted because Hitlor needed someone to blame the problems of Geremny on and in The Bible the caused so much troble the Hitlor knew the would be a easy target.

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Q: Why was the Holocaust against Jews and not another type of people?
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presumably you mean by the Catholics against the Jews; it was called the Holocaust. Though what happened in Yugoslavia was independent of the Holocaust, the victims are counted in with the victims of the Holocaust.

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What was the genocide against all European Jews?

The Holocaust

How many and who were killed in Holocaust?

6,000,000 people died in the holocaust. Although they were not all Jews, some were Greek Jews, homosexuals, or anybody who stood up against the Nazis. These are all of the people i know of to be killed but i am pretty sure there are more types of people who died.

Why Was The Holocaust A sad Time Period?

lots of people were killed from discrimination against jews, gypsies, handicapped people, and lots of others.

Why was it difficult for Jews to organize resistance against the nazi holocaust?

It was hard to communicate, people were isolated and travel was restricted.

What were people called when they rescued Jews from the Holocaust?

Holocaust survivors.

How are Jews treated in Germany today?

there are still hate crimes against them and some even think that there will be another holocaust in the near future!

What was the Holocaust and how many Jews died?

6 million Jewish people roughly and roughly 4 million other people were killed in the Holocaust. The term "Holocaust" means 'Death by fire', which was a method of killing some of the Death Camps used against its prisoners.

What was the purpose of the persecution of the Jews?

In pre-Holocaust Nazi Germany it was to unite the people against a common enemy. By the time of the Holocaust it was simply to eliminate them from German society and from existing at all.