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Q: Why was the The Daulatpur-Saturia Tornado caused?
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What are most injuries caused by in a tornado?

Most injuries in a tornado are caused by flying debris.

What naturual disaster is caused by a tornado?

A tornado does not cause a natural disaster. It is a natural disaster.

Can a tornado be caused by thunderstorm?

Yes, a tornado can come from a thunderstorm. In fact, a tornado cannot be caused by anything other than a thunderstorm. One key facotrs is that the thunderstorm must have a rotating updraft.

What causes tornado damage?

Tornado damaged is caused by a tornado's powerful winds and objects carried y those winds.

What is the main thing to cause injuries during a tornado?

Most tornado injuries are caused by debris carried or thrown by the tornado.

What caused hailstone to fall after the first tornado?

it is that it is tornado alley it make a strong storm with ice and then ice comes then tornado

Is a tornado caused by geological events?

No. Tornadoes are caused by meteorologic (weather) events.

Where does the damage come from the most in a tornado?

Most damage in a tornado is caused by the extremely fast winds.

What type of motion does a tornado causes a tornado?

It's caused by wind going in circular motion.

What causes most deaths during tornado?

Most deaths during a tornado are caused by debris.

How much damage did the biggest tornado cause?

The largest tornado even recorded caused about $160 million dollars in damage, but keep in mind this wasn't the most damaging tornado or the strongest. The tornado with the strongest recorded winds caused $1 billion in damage (about $1.3 billion in today's dollars). The most damaging tornado recorded caused the equivalent of $1.7 billion in today's dollars.

Does rain cause a tornado?

No. Rain does not cause a tornado. However, both rain and tornadoes are caused by thunderstorms.