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Q: Why was the Three-Fifths Compromise necessary according to both pro-slavery and anti-slavery delegates?
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What decision declared the Missouri compromise unconstitutional?

The admission of California to the Union - it was too big to be accommodated according to the terms of that compromise.

What was the grat compromise?

The great compromise or the Connecticut compromise was an agreement reached in the Constitutional Conventional of 1787. According to this agreement states agreed over the legislative structure of USA and the representation of each state. It was also agreed upon to endorse Bicameral system of legislation.

What compromises were made in order to bring a stable national government to fruition?

Two of the most important constitutional compromises learned in school are the Great Compromise and the 3/5's Compromise. The Great Compromise was in regards to how the nation's legislature would be organized; the compromise settled the dispute by creating one house based on the population of each state- the House of Representatives, while the second house would hold two seats for each state- the Senate. The second compromise was in regards to how the House of Representatives would be affected by southern slaves. According to the 3/5's Compromise, each slave would count for 3/5's of a citizen in the census.

What was the most important compromise of the constitutional convention?

That state representation at the national level be divided into a two house legislation. The upper house being the place where all states, no matter how large or small the population is, have equal representation. Whereas the in the lower house each state would be represented according to the amount of people in there state.

Why did the founding father need the three-fifth compromise?

In order to satisfy the southern slave holding states on the issue of determining population for representation in the National Government. The northern non-slave holding state didn't want slaves to count as a whole person, or the population in the south would be too much. The southern states wanted the slaves to be counted. The compromise was the 5 slaves would count as 3 people. Answer The 3/5 Compromise was a political negotiation by the South to achieve more voting power in the national legislature. They used the (possibly real) threat of alliance with the British (the South liked the economic business they had with the British), as well as the threat that a country fractured between North and South would eventually succumb to one or more of the old empires (Britain, France and Spain) to achieve the 3/5 Compromise. These threats were used as leverage to achieve voting power in the legislature for slaves , of course these new votes would be cast in their masters' interest. The power of this "negro vote" is what put Thomas Jefferson in the White House and allowed the South to not merely continue, but expand slavery. He won in 1800 by only the margin created by the "negro vote". Garry Wills' book "Negro President: Thomas Jefferson and the Slave Power" (ISBN: 0618485376) gives great in-depth service to this topic. It's a great read! Answer As a point of clarification, the 3/5 compromise was never "added" to the U.S. Constitution. It was a Supreme Court interpretation of the Constitution that came out of the "Dredd Scott" case. If you're going to provide an answer, or a "clarification", you have some responsibility to do at least a minimum amount of research, and not to make flatly false statements. Article I. Section. 2. Clause 3: Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons. [...] Answer The 3/5 compromise was added so the Northern and Southern states could come to an agreement of how slaves were counted in the population. If all the slaves were counted, Southern states would gain more legislative power by means of more representatives. So, the 3/5 compromise was created so the slaves didn't count as a whole, and so the Northern states thought legislative power distribution was equal. Answer The 3/5 compromise was to distribute equal representation among the northern and southern states whereas the Dredd Scott case was concerning slave rights and freedom (He was moved to a free state and when he moved back sued because he was declared free) Answer A short, direct question deserves the same in a response. The 3/5 Compromise was added to the Constitution simply to settle an issue of "representation."

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What decision declared the Missouri compromise unconstitutional?

The admission of California to the Union - it was too big to be accommodated according to the terms of that compromise.

Missouri compromise was unconnstitutional?

Yes - according to the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case.

The great compromise proposed that in the house of representatives?

the states would be represented according to the size of their populations

What was the grat compromise?

The great compromise or the Connecticut compromise was an agreement reached in the Constitutional Conventional of 1787. According to this agreement states agreed over the legislative structure of USA and the representation of each state. It was also agreed upon to endorse Bicameral system of legislation.

What was the name given to the final decision that allowed the House of representatives to be elected according to population and the senate to have 2 delegates per state?

The Connecticut Compromise, also known as the Great Compromise.

Number of slaves counted for representation in the constitution?

it is a Compromise, which stipulates that three/fifths of the slave population would be counted for purposes of representation.

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apparently it was 1807 but it carried on to 1886

According to the compromise reached concerning slaves as part of a state's population each slave would count as?

three-fifths of a person