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It created more slavery due to faster production of cotton which then led to more demand then adding to expansion of land

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The cotton gin made it so much faster to make cotton. With more slaves the slave owners made (i think) ten times as much cotton.

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Q: Why was the cotton gin so important to westward expansion and slave life?
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How were Westward Expansion and slavery connected?

Because as we pushed westward more slave states were added to the union increasing the slave population

Who was a famous slave during the westward expansion?

Fredrick Douglas

Why did cotton kingdom spread westward?

The cotton kingdom spread westward because the gin separated unwanted seeds from c

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it was important because it would decide which states would belong to the "north" and the "south", which was important in deciding the fate of slaves. the north wanted slave free, while the south wanted slaves

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Westward expansion created territories that eventually wished to become States. Every application for Statehood prior to the Civil War increased sectional tension because of the need to balance "free" and "slave" States in Congress.

How did westward expansion affect slaves in the US?

It increased the desire for slaves due to the expanding "Cotton Kingdom". Certain acts had previously banned the addition of new slaves but because of western expansion, there was some disagreement between the North and the South, abolitionists and slave-holders, as to whether or not new slaves were needed.

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The Cotton Gin

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What happened during the westward expansion?

The new states became the object of competition for North and South. The North increasingly needed to appease the Abolitionist lobby in Congress. The South wanted more slave-states, to extend its cotton empire, and also to maintain its influence in Congress and prevent it from passing laws that favoured the North.

What role did slavery play in westward expansions?

Slavery played a significant role in westward expansion in the United States. The expansion of slavery into new territories and states fueled sectional tensions between the North and South, eventually leading to the American Civil War. The issue of whether new states would allow or prohibit slavery was a major factor in determining the balance of power between the free and slave states, and ultimately the course of westward expansion.

How did Westward Expansion put America on the brink of a Civil War?

Fierce debate over which of the new states could be slave-states and which could be free soil.

What impact did westward expansion have on the issue of slavery in the US?

It made the issue even more prevalent. People had the decision to make a state free or a slave state.