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Q: Why was the discovery of the Americas a transformative world event?
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The most significant entity in the story "The Voice of the Mountain" is the mountain itself. The mountain serves as a central character and symbolizes power, wisdom, and ancient knowledge. Its voice represents a connection to nature and the spiritual world, guiding the protagonist on a transformative journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Where did Columbus believe he was going and what effect did his journey have on the Americas?

Columbus was trying to find an eastern route to India when he ran into the western hemisphere instead. This journey led to the discovery of the New World which later was names the Americas.

Why is it called the third world what are the first and second worlds?

The "first world" was the "old world," or basically Europe, before the discovery of the Americas. The "second world" was the Americas, discovered by Columbus. The phrase "third world" originally meant the rest of the world not included in the "first" or "second" worlds. Its meaning has changed over time so that now it means the poverty-stricken portions of the world.

What led to European discovery of the Americas?

In the 15th and 16th centuries in particular, Europeans were intent on seeking out a new and faster route to Asian trade-markets than those that already existed. Their searches led to the discovery of the New World of the Americas, which was then explored both for its intrinsic wealth and for the sake of that still undiscovered, and still desired, "Passage to the East."

Why do historians consider Columbus to be more important than Leif Ericson?

Columbus landing started the colonization of the Americas.

In the New World how was the ocean a barrier and roadway to the discovery of the Americas?

The oceans on both sides of the country were a barrier because most land on the other hemisphere is joined or very close. The were a roadway because they allowed Columbus to discover the Americas.

What did Columbus find when he was exploring around the world?

His most famous discovery was the New World (the Americas). He let known to Europe, Asia, and Africa that there was another part of the world out there. He also found Native American settlements and precious metals such as gold.

What is Americas greatest contribution to world theater?

What is Americas greatest contribution to world theater

What were Vasco Nunez de Balboa goals?

He wanted to embark on his first voyage to the Americas; after he heard the news of Christopher Columbus's discovery