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why was the embargo on Cuba?

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Q: Why was the embargo placed on Cuba?
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What action did US take when Castro seized American business in cuba?

the united states placed a trade embargo on Cuba

What action did US take when Castro seized businesses in Cuba?

the united states placed a trade embargo on Cuba

How did the united state respond when Castro seized American business in Cuba?

The United States placed a trade embargo on Cuba

When did the US establish a trade embargo against Cuba?

The United States established a trade embargo against Cuba on October 19, 1960. The embargo does not include exports for medicine and food.

Does Cuba trade cars with the US?

There is a trade embargo with Cuba, the US does not trade anything with Cuba.

Which country has an embargo with Cuba?

The United States.

Does US trade with Cuba?

The U.S cannot trade with Cuba because we (The United States) have a embargo against Cuba. No one is allowed to travel there only under some circumstances. Congress has also made a bill that has made that Embargo stronger

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the embargo stupid!

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The legislature placed an embargo on arms exports to China.

How did the US respond when Castro seized American businesses in cuba?

When Fidel Castro seized American businesses in Cuba, the US broke off all diplomatic relations with Cuba. On October 19, 1960, the US imposed a trade embargo against Cuba on everything except food and medicine. On February 7, 1962, the embargo was extended to include all imports. The embargo still stands today.

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As far as I am aware, the only country that America has an embargo against is the island of Cuba, and not Columbia.