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Q: Why was the fuedal system made?
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What are noblemen?

noble men are very powerful in the fuedal system .

How did fuedal system and centralization cause contrubute to the outbreak of the hundred year war?

Fuedal system helped William,duke of Normandy to collect taxes from the people of England with the help of sherriffs.

What is the name of a system where nobles gave land to others in exchange for services?

the fuedal system

What three groups made up the fuedal system?

i think it was land lord noble men noble women peasant men peasant women

Did the feudal system exist in Tudor times?

No, it did not. The fuedal system was only brought into Britain in Norman times.

Who were the winners and losers of the feudal system?

the winners and losers of the fuedal and it depends if its a king or a vassal.

How did the Black Death lead to the decline of the fuedal system?

Alot of people started dying

What role did ladies play in the fuedal system in medieval times?

The ladies followed the men, and couldn't vote

Can you Go to fuedal Japan?

No only Kagome can go through the well to fuedal Japan.

What is fuedalism?

Fuedalism, or the Fuedal System, was instituted throughout Medieval Europe. In the Fuedal System, serfs, or peasants, work on land belonging to a lord, in exchange for protection. This land was owned by a lord, who lived in a manor house, and had a small private army of knights, who defended the manor in return for a small amount of pay and a place to live. Fuedalism was abolished at the turn of the 17th century and was replaced by absolutism, or a system where nations are ruled under one monarch, or ruler.