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it shoots a lot of bullets in a short time

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Q: Why was the machine gun so lethal?
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Is the ray gun lethal?

Yes the ray gun is lethal, the ray gun is one of the most powerful guns in nazi zombies

Which is correct machine gun or automatic machine gun?

Machine gun or machinegun. All of them are automatic, so it is redundant to say that. There is no such thing as a semi automatic machine gun, or a single shot machine gun. That answer is correct, but many people use the term fully automatic machine gun or full auto machine gun to specify they are not talking about a semi-auto pistol or rifle, which are commonly referred to as autos, and sometimes that term confuses people.

What is the world's most powerful light machine gun mmg medium machine gun and hmg heavy machine gun?

light machine gun is the m249 a medium machine gun is the m240 and the heavy machine gun is the browning m2 50. cal machine gun

What is the difference between machine gun and sub-machine gun?

A sub-machine gun fires pistol cartridges. A machine gun fires rifle rounds.

What are machine gun nests?

machine gun position

Are machine guns powerful?

Machine Guns, like any other gun (with the possible exception of an air soft gun) could seriously harm, and even kill you if at point blank range. Any gun could kill you, so, yes. a machine gun is powerful.

How much was a machine gun machine gun in 1969?

Depends on the machine gun. Anywhere from $100 to several thousand dollars

Is an AK 47 a machine gun? is not an a machine gun (u probably wont be knowing this) the minigun or gatling gun is considered to be a machine gun a proper one tho. most people say it a machine gun but it is a submachine gun

What is the traditional word for a group of machine guns?

There really isn't a "traditional" word for it. It could be a machine gun section, machine gun squad, machine gun platoon, machine gun company, a group or cluster of machine guns, etc.

Whats the most lethal gun?

The AK-47 is the most lethal gun because you can learn how to use it in one hour or less. It is also the most produced weapon in the world.

Is a ray gun real?

A Ray Gun is commonly mistaken for its real life counterpart, the Water Gun. A Water Gun can be an extremely lethal weapon when in your command. Though it is lethal, there have been many misuses of the gun due to reckless children.

Can you imitate a machine gun?

yes you can imitate a machine gun. With the proper use of equipment one can make a fake machine gun.