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Q: Why was the physical feature of the Fall Line important in the development of modern Georgia?
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Are the boundaries between Georgia and South Carolina a physical or a political feature?

It is a physical feature; the Savannah River.

What are stsimons and tybee are examples of which physical feature in Georgia?

The barrier islands

Which geographic feature do you think has been the most beneficial to Georgia’s development?

Please help me!!!

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What are some important physical features in Michigan?

An important physical feature are the great lakes of Michigan.

What was the most important physical map feature for early civilizations?

The most important physical features are location and geography.

What are the key feature of career development?

The key feature of career development is acquiring more knowledge as skills in the particular field. Experience also plays an important role.

What was the most important physical feature for early civilizations?

Their mono-brows.

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Control of what important physical feature was gained in the Louisiana purchase?

the Rocky Mountain

Is Tampa a physical feature?

Yes. Tampa is a physical feature of the Earth, but not a natural physical feature.

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The most important physical feature South of the plateau of Tibet is the highest mountain range in the world. This mountain range contains several of the highest peaks of the face of the earth including Mount Everest.