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Q: Why was the stamp act so unpopular?
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Why was the stamp act so unpopular among colonists?

Because the stamp act placed taxes on everything the colonists used.

How did the colonists show their resentment of the stamp act?

The colonists showed their resentment of the Stamp Act by staging demonstrations. Eventually the unpopular act was repealed by Parliament.

Which act was so effectively boycotted that it was soon repealed?

Stamp Act

Why was this act passed stamp act?

The stamp act was passed because King Charles lll needed money. The stamp act was like we do today we get are documents stamped or marriage license back then the king passed this act that you had to pay money to get the stamp. Soon many Lenape (who were left) and colonist protested so then the stamp act was repealed

What was the British Policy that taxed paper used for documents?

so that they could get money from others

What came after the stamp act?

first was the sugar act in 1764. after that was the stamp act in 1765. and after that was the townshen act.... so the answer is the Townshen Act. <3 C;

Sugar act stamp act?

Sugar Act was passed through Parliament. The Sugar Act put taxes on Coffee, sugar, indigo, and molasses. In 1765 Parliament passed another tax.Stamp Act placed taxes on legal papers, advertisements, newspapers, almanacs, calendars, and playing cards.All of these had to bear a stamp showing that the tax had been paid. Even newspaper owners had to purchase the stamps for publications! Not surprisingly, the Stamp Act was unpopular & angered the American colonists.:))

What was the stamp act and what was taxed under this act?

the stamp act is when they told you that a stamp a certain stamp had to be on absolutely everything.

What was not included in the so- called intolerable acts?

The Stamp Act, passed in 1765, was not one of the Intolerable Acts.

What was the stamp act. and what things were taxed under this act?

the stamp act is when they told you that a stamp a certain stamp had to be on absolutely everything.

What was the stamp act What things were taxed under this act?

the stamp act is when they told you that a stamp a certain stamp had to be on absolutely everything.

What was the Stamp Act of 1765?

The Stamp Act of 1765 required the colonists to pay a tax on every printed sheet or piece of paper they used. The money would be used to pay for any defense of the American colonies within the territory of the Appalachian Mountains. The Act was wildly unpopular, prompting Parliament to table the bill and pursue other taxes.