

Why was there a big bang to start the universe?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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There is no 'why' for"Why was there aBig Bang to start the universe." The Big Bang is just one of many theories and beliefs that our universe had a beginning in SpaceTime. It is justa conceptual abstraction of SpaceTime via people that all existence evolved from some prior causation.

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Q: Why was there a big bang to start the universe?
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How old was the universe when the big bang thory happened?

Events in the Universe are often dated from the Big Bang. But the fact is, NOBODY KNOWS what (if anything) happened before the Big Bang. The Big Bang MAY have been the start of time itself; but it is possible that the Universe existed (in some form) forever in the past.

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I'm guessing it was the 'Big Bang'

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Big Bang Cosmology deals with the start (not necessary a creation) of our Universe as a whole, not with our Earth.

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The Universe was created by the big bang. The World or Earth, was formed about 9 billion years later from stellar debris and materials created by the big bang.

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The big bang began the expansion of spacetime with great rapidity. The Universe began with the Big Bang. In other words both space and time began at the big bang. The big bang started the Universe from the point t=0.

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Our concept of the "big bang" has no explanation about how or why, but our hypothesis is that there was NOTHING before the Big Bang created the universe.

How did the universe allllll start and answer THE DAAAMMMNNN question ....please?

it started because of the scientific theory of The Big Bang it started because of the scientific theory of The Big Bang

What was made during the big bang?

Within ten seconds of the start of the Big Bang, all hadrons and leptons that now reside in our Universe came into existence.

How the temperature of the Universe dropped after the Big Bang?

The big bang was the BEGINNING of the universe so there was no temperature before it :P

What will happen in the big bang?

well, the big bang is really not true there couldn't be a big bang or else a whole new universe would start again.but....if there was by chance the big bang would happen then it would swallow up all the planets and every thing around it starting a new universe(we would all be dead)

What does the Big Bang theory tell us about the universe?

The Big Bang Theory tells what happen at the begning of the universe. How the Earth comes into the universe

What is the most likely explanation for the start of the universe?

The big bang is the most likely explanation for the start of the universe. Although scientists may never know the true beginning of the universe.