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When faced with opposition the USSR would always send in the tanks.

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Q: Why was there opposition to Soviet control in Hungary?
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How long was Hungary under the control of the soviet union?

The Soviet Union entered Hungary in 1945 at the end of World War II. In 1949, their presence was formalized with the creation of a communist state. Hungary remained under Soviet control until June of 1991 when the last troops finally left.

What European nation tried to achieve independence from soviet control in 1956?


In what two European countries did the Soviets put down revolts against soviet control?

Czechoslovakia and Hungary

How were soviet activities in Berlin and Hungary similar?

Soviet controlled East Berlin-made to look German democratic but in reality Communists retained control in the background-totally loyal to Stalin.Soviet occupied Hungary in 1944, imposing harsh conditions & seizing material assets & control.

What conuntires remained under soviet control after the end of World War 2?

The European countries under soviet control were Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland and eastern Germany.

During a sudden revolt in Hungary again in 1956 people demanded that Soviet troops be removed from Hungary?

the Soviet Union

How did the geographical factors affect the ability of Poland Czechoslovakia and Hungary to resist Soviet control?

The geographical location inhibits the ability to resist Soviet control because there are no barriers to prevent from being invaded by Russia. I have the same question for my history homework!

How Hungary try to resist soviet rule?

the Hungarian army joined protesters to overthrow Hungary's Soviet controlled government.

When Hungary against the Soviet Union in 1956 the US?

did nothing to help Hungary.

What did the us do when Hungary revolted in the Soviet Union in 1956?

Did nothing to help Hungary

What country did Soviet Union invade in 1956?

They invaded Hungray

Why did the USSR attack Hungary after they started to want indepence from communist control?

At the time, the Hungarian government was a Soviet puppet. When the people rebelled against the government, the Soviets sent troops to support the government so that Hungary would stay in the Soviet sphere of influence.