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Unfortunately i don't think we will ever find the Honestanswer of why.. but there are some theories that could be suggested.

The majority of Christian thought claim that this is lost and that the people will never know what happened. Many Christians and non-Christians claim that it is known by the church but is the most unimportant of his life so it was kept out. Many believe that it was purposely left out due to the theory that the church wanted to hide that information from the people.

Any of these theories could be used yet they are only theories, as we do not know the "absolute truth". I feel its up to ourselves to have the best judgment of this. But we also need to see this on a non-bias view, whether we are Christian or non-Christian. There are in fact many books and gospels that were left out of The Bible that portray Jesus and his ministry in a different light. These were highly regarded by Gnostics (the earliest Christians before and after Jesus died) as truth but are not accepted by mainstream Christianity and the Church itself. I would suggest finding texts that are not in the bible, as a reference. I myself have found many insightful things about Jesus and many people of that time that were not in the bible. I believe it all lies in the eye of the beholder. Two texts i would suggest to start are the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, and the Book of Thomas.

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Q: Why was there so much time between the old testament and the new testament?
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