

Why wasn't Quebec granted independence?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Quebec tried multiple times having independence, which means Québec would be a country, but to do so, we need to have a referendum. A referendum is asking the population to vote on a question. They had referendums multiple times, but because Canada's entire population was asked, they are way more English people, outisde the province of quebec, so, they lost.

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Why hasn't Quebec been granted their independence?

this is a stupid website

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i dont know but who cares anyway

Why hasn't quebec been granted independence?

Why? Because there are so many reasons are for and against the arguments of independence or not. For example, many think it would take to long to change everything to french, keeping the french culture prominent. Also, for the independence of Quebec, Quebec can create there own military and government on there own without the help of canada, britian, and france. Also, there isn't that much of a difference in vote.

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Why has't Quebec been granted independence?

It would take a long time to change everything to french!!:) Oh Yeah We Know it !!!!:))) Follow us on instagram:) at Look_Its_Dei & lane__23

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Quebec is not a country, just a Canadian province.

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Independence, freedom and dignity.

What is the goal of the Quebec independence movement?

Independence, freedom and dignity.

What is the goal of the independence movement of quebec?

Independence, freedom and dignity.

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independence was granted in 1960. self-government was granted to different regions of the country at different times before 1960(it should not be confused for independence)