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Well, One of the causes of World War 2 was the Holocaust, which is the discrimination of Jews. Adolf Hitler blamed Germany's defeat in World War 1 on the Jews and got many followers and soldiers called the Nazis. When Germany began to attack Jews in other countries, World War 2 began. [There were also a lot of other reasons why World War 2 started]. Anyway, World War 2 and the Holocaust were in the same time-frame. So basically, the discrimination of Jews was a cause of World War 2 and a problem going on in it. So, Jews weren't exactly outcasts because of World War 2. I think you're looking for information on the Holocaust. Try searching "Holocaust", on a search engine or asking, "What was the purpose of the Holocaust". You may find a more informative answer. However, if you're question was correct, try going back to line 2. Or even search the same question on I hope this has been helpful.

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Q: Why were Jews outcasts during World War 2?
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In World War 1 the Jews were not specifically targeted. Perhaps you are thinking of World War 2 and the Holocaust?

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At the start of World War 2 was Poland with 3.3 Million Jews. by the end of World War 2, it only had 250,000 left and by then the Soviet Union had the most surviving Jews, which was 1.75 Million. Total of 1.1 Million Soviet Jews were killed during the Holocaust.

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