

Why were Jews put in ghettos?

Updated: 12/11/2022
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10y ago

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To keep them apart from the rest of society. Hitler's vision of an ideal society saw no place for Jews (and some other groups).

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Q: Why were Jews put in ghettos?
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When did the Nazis put the Jews in ghettos?

basically as soon as the Germans occupied a country, they would put the Jews into ghettos.

when were Jews put in Warsaw ghettos?

from 1940 to 1943.

What did Quarintine have to do with the holocaust?

it was one excuse used to put Jews into ghettos.

Who were forced in to the ghettos?

Indeed. Jews were in ghettos.

What did the Nazis initially do with the Jews?

They limited them and put rules on them, and later moved them to ghettos.

Why did the Jews agree to be police in the Ghettos?

Jews did not agree to be police in the ghettos, they were made to!

What were ghetos for Jews?

Ghettos were the places they kept the Jews. The ghettos were isolated, enclosed communities that the Germans kept the Jews in. Ghettos were where the Jews were forced to live, under horrible conditions.

When were there ghettos?

During world war II where they put thousands of Jews at one time.

What was the wall called that was separarting the Jews from the Germans?

as far as i know there was no named wall separating Jews however they were separated by being put into ghettos

Did German Jews get sent to ghettos in other countries?

Yes, what ever Ghettos their were in the Axis state, jews were sent to them

What was the relationship of the ghetto to the rest of the Holocaust?

The Ghettos was place where people, Mostly jews was putted to starved to death and the rest of the holocause mainly the concentration camps killed people, Mostly jews. So the relation between the Holocaust and Ghettos is that Jews was killed in both of these areas ________________________ The ghettos were a kind of holding place or waiting room. Before the elimination of the Jews was considered, they were segregated and put into ghettos. Following the invasion of the Soviet Union the ghettos became too crowded, this led to the need for drastic action, ie. elimination, which became the Holocaust.

Did Jews celebrate Passover in ghettos?

There are always Jews who celebrate Passover regardless of the location or circumstances. Jews celebrated Passover in the ghettos, and then in the concentration camps.